I do not know what is the value of discussing speculations about the time by which the Bill will be effective. This is a psychological game. I think it is more useful to discuss how to fight this Bill.
please share the link on social network like facebook and tweeter and any other blog you have registered. Ask others to do the same. Make ads in all free websites like Kijiji and Craiglist to call people to sign the petition. Sent requests to different groups in Canada of different ethnic and...
there will be a meeting today between 3:30 and 5:30 for the committee of immigration and citizenship you can follow on this link
please be active and sign this petition to withdraw the Bill
once again
It seems that Costas Menegakis is the principal engineer for this Bill !!!! he was defending it strongly in the second reading. It worths to go and protest in ront of his office
I think it is a very good idea to organise a prtes or manifestation . Those immigrants who work in laws firms can organize such protest according to the laws here and there is no risk of arresting anybody.If anybody announce about manifesattions we will participate .
Sign the link...
I think in term of political language when we say (postpone) is considered as an acceptable language between parties. This is much better than to say (Cancel ) it,because this will be considered as defeat for the party which trying to introduce it o the parliament. They are defending the BILL...
Actually the increased length of processing time was created under the conservative government. No actual technical reasons for this lengthy time,many people think that this was done by intention. If you notice that the residency questionnaire whic they created takes long times in...
I met the PM of my constituent and she was very supportive and nice to me. She is NDP and she wrote a letter and handeled it by herself to the minister. She is really a wonderful woman . I received a reply from the minister which doen not reply on any issues which were mentionnd in her...
If I have a good memory those lost Canadians are the result of a Bill introduced by the conservative party some years ago!!! Please correct my informations if I was wrong
I think to cancel the pre PR years of residence in Canada is the strongest prove which says that these propositions are not in reality to strengthen the citizenship. This group of PRs would beneficiate of only one year,i.e. they can apply after 24 months of physical stay in Canada of PR status...
Of course I did that. I knew everything about the profession and license before I come to Canada. The surprise is that the same day I entered Canada ,I received an email that te whole process was changed!!! and according to the new rules I became uneligible. Can you understand what the word...
I do not think the issue here is to hate or love others opinions and situations. That would be a personal thing. But we have to respect the others opinions and feelings. You may have not the same situations or feelings to support them . But it would be unfair if you disrespect or neglect their...
In reality I do not know how you define ethics?? If you are applying for immigration and they make you sign for papers about your rights and obligations of the process of citizenship even before you are accepted for immigration. Also.at your arrival at the airport,they take one hour to explain...
I think you misudestand the word voting here. It is not voting for elections. It is for the bill in the parliament. There are calculations concerning votes . The problem here is not the BILL C24, it is the attitude of the government. Today it is for Bill C24 and tomorrow for other issues. You...
You are right we have to react. It seems that the opposition will vote against the bill. The difference between opposition and majority is around 30 members. We have to win the support of about 30 members of the majority. There are many of them who are already first and second generation. We...