Just called IRCC and I was lucky because the agent was so nice. She told me I passed the security two days ago and they will try to extend my medical as it is expiring this month.
Thanks I hope the ghost update is about security. But my medical is expiring soon. Not sure if the update is about medical. Hope all the 2017 applicants can get it very soon. Just so frustrating
Dec 5 2017
mR may 10 2018
amp may 24 2018
Pre arrival July 12 2018
I got ghost update two days ago. But hear nothing from them. Dunno what this ghost update about. Frustrated
hi Grenchy7, we have the same timeline for AOR and medical, except that I didn't receive pre arrival letter.
Could you tell me when did you receive the pal please?
You can call cic number and the voice mail will tell you if your application has been approved.
But it doesn’t mean your statues will change to approved on your cic account. It takes me 2 weeks to change to approve
Hi my status changed to approved on 17 November. And actually they put my passport in the mail room on November 25 which is Saturday. I am surprised they worked on Saturday. Also they replied my email at 9pm in Ottawa. It is weird.
Share my timeline:
Applied on 25 oct
Passport request on 26 oct.
Sent passport on Oct 30
Received on 7 Nov
Tracking activated on November 29
Revived my passport on November 30