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Search results

  1. H. Kazemi

    FSW 2014 - November Applicants - Lets network here

    Dear Faranak, Thank you for useful information best wishes, Hassan
  2. H. Kazemi

    FSW 2014 - November Applicants - Lets network here

    dear friend what is CAS, I'm nov 24th applicant on noc 2172 i got charged on 20th jan how can i find my own record at CAS ??!! what does CAS stand for ??
  3. H. Kazemi

    FSW 2014 - November Applicants - Lets network here

    Dear faranak and vijay I'm Nov 24th - 2172 applicant My cc got charged Jan 20th I'm waiting for golden PER announcement Email too Let me know if you got per coz it gives me hope and positive energy Thanks mates Faranak59.a Any 2172 november applicant waiting for per?
  4. H. Kazemi

    FSW 2014 - November Applicants - Lets network here

    lets stand in the PER Rain :P :P :P ;D ;D ;D ;) ;) ;)
  5. H. Kazemi

    FSW 2014 - November Applicants - Lets network here

    Dear Migarnt94 It's great to hear your PER news, because we are on the same NOC. if u like i can add you to iranian fsw2014 viber group. jus' send me a message containing your cell #. wish u all the best for the rest ;)
  6. H. Kazemi

    FSW 2014 - MASTER THREAD - 2171/ 2172/ 2173/ 2174 SERIES

    Any NOV 2172 applicant has got per these days ? no signe from Spreadsheet !!!! it's long time.
  7. H. Kazemi

    FSW 2014 - November Applicants - Lets network here

    hope the best for you and all immigrants CIC Please start PER for Nov Applicants :'( :'( :'(
  8. H. Kazemi

    FSW 2014 - November Applicants - Lets network here

    PER process is moving very slow. it's a long time no PER for NOC 2172 Time is ticking and wait is killing :'( :o >:(
  9. H. Kazemi

    FSW 2014 Applicants Timeline- Lets Network Here.

    Dear valued members, I wanna ask a question : Does High blood pressure (Hypertension) cause failure in medical test ???!! Your swift response is highly appreciated Best wishes
  10. H. Kazemi

    FSW 2014 Applicants Timeline- Lets Network Here.

    Hi Everybody 24 NOV , 2172 Applicant MY Credit Card Jus' Got Cashed 20 JAN :D ;) :-* :-* :-* Global Spreadsheet Has been Updated ! best wishes for all November Applicants time is ticking for FILE #
  11. H. Kazemi

    FSW 2014 - November Applicants - Lets network here

    Dear Friend , I've already sent you a personal message I guess we will get to the next mile stone (receive File #) in less than a month finger crossed and lets hope the best for all immigrants. please save my contact details to notice me about your next steps. best wishes, Hassan
  12. H. Kazemi

    FSW 2014 - November Applicants - Lets network here

    Hi Everybody 24 NOV , 2172 Applicant MY Credit Card Jus' Got Cashed 20 JAN :D ;) :-* :-* :-* Global Spreadsheet Has been Updated ! best wishes for all November Applicants time is ticking for FILE #
  13. H. Kazemi

    FSW 2014 - November Applicants - Lets network here

    by referencing Global Spreadsheet , if a person who has applied under the same NOC you have applied too and his/her method of payment is the same as you and his/her Application recieve date is after you and he/she has been cashed BUT YOU DO'NT, this will unfortunately %99 PROBABLY means you...
  14. H. Kazemi

    FSW 2014 - November Applicants - Lets network here

    Congrates bro! Go CANADA Go ! I'm 24th Nov Applicant still Waiting :'( :o ::) ??? ;)
  15. H. Kazemi

    FSW 2014 - November Applicants - Lets network here

    NOC 2172 - 24 NOV Applicant Here Best Wishes for all Nov Applicants have a safe fly to CANADA ;)