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  1. M

    CEC Applicant January draw

    Like the official link says, Ministerial instructions will be issued for every draw, and if the instructions don't specify which programs are to be included, then the draw will be based purely on CRS scores. So, yes, CEC may have a separate quota, but only if the Ministerial Instructions...
  2. M

    What can we learn from New zealand's EOI.

    True. But people are entitled to hope. Like they say .... 'When hope is all you've got, it becomes all the more important.' :P :P :P :P
  3. M

    My knowledge of getting an LMIA while working in Canada & asking your opinions.

    Jealous, are we?? Landed immigrant or a Canadian citizen, I think you know what the difference is .... I'm going to spend my time however I like. As for gloating immigrant-wannabes, I'm not even going to ask you what means. I couldn't care less. I have a few opinions about my new country's...
  4. M

    My knowledge of getting an LMIA while working in Canada & asking your opinions.

    You must have just gotten an approved LMIA. I see no other reason for your super-happy face.
  5. M

    My knowledge of getting an LMIA while working in Canada & asking your opinions.

    If you're not going to answer the question, you shouldn't respond. I'm not interested in general philosophy, which by the way has zero value in the daily grind. Life is not black and white? Wow, gee, that's something that never ever crossed my mind before. I don't know how to thank you. ::)...
  6. M

    Effective date of Bill C24

    I'm trying to remain hopeful, but I actually DON'T trust them. It would not surprise me the least bit if any day now they updated their website with the new 4/6 requirement. I've been through too many hoops with CIC to know that what they promise in the morning may change by dinner time. I...
  7. M

    My knowledge of getting an LMIA while working in Canada & asking your opinions.

    If you want to be with your girlfriend, then you know what your priorities are. Anyway, this question was directed at everyone else too, not just you. I have to ask again: If you feel so screwed by the new system, WHY are you still soo fixated on Canada? Why aren't you looking at other...
  8. M

    Effective date of Bill C24

    For what it's worth, I've already called CIC twice on the implementation date of the 4-year residency requirement: on June of last year, right after Bill C24 was passed, and on December 19th last month. I will be eligible to apply on June 2nd this year so this hits home. The first time I...
  9. M

    Effective date of Bill C24

    Good for you. Then I have to echo torontosm: for someone who stands to gain no major benefits from Canadian citizenship, you sure do seem to have the loudest mouth in here. Think you can tone it down a notch? Like I said: it is what it is. This government won't provide any advance...
  10. M

    Effective date of Bill C24

    Why are we quoting lawyer opinions? What makes their guesses any better than ours? What inside information do they have access to that we don't?
  11. M

    Effective date of Bill C24

    This might make some logical sense but you don't really have any solid data on a macro scale to make that observation. I can tell you what's going to happen in my case. Once I'm a citizen, I'm on the other side of the line, regardless of whether I had to wait an extra year for it or not. I...
  12. M

    Effective date of Bill C24

    If you've followed any of the practices of the Harper Government, then you should know that there's usually no official announcement of any new law implementation before it happens. This is no different. I expect no official announcement beforehand. And I don't think it helps to use the media...
  13. M

    Effective date of Bill C24

    Here's a practical benefit: eligibility for jobs with the federal government. Before you start with the typical average person's attitude about jobs with the government, let me just say that I don't care. A job with the government (especially the federal government) ROCKS. You're not...
  14. M

    My knowledge of getting an LMIA while working in Canada & asking your opinions.

    At this point, I have to ask: Why Canada? Judging from all the whining and complaining in here about how difficult it's become, I find it strange that you are STILL fixated on getting PR in Canada. It's not the only country in the world you know. If it's become so hard, if you feel screwed...
  15. M

    How come CEC candidate couldn't get 600 arranged employment points?!

    That's right. If they want work permits and PR then they're not genuine students. They're people who want to live here, same as any other foreign national. It's strange really that Canada gives you a student permit while you run your mouth about how you're intending to get PR. Many countries...
  16. M

    Express Entry_ LMIA....Please Help Seniors!...

    Relax, it's not as bad as it sounds. Your employer submits a bunch of paperwork that's supposed to make it look like there's nobody qualified for the position and then at the Government office they take all that, roll their eyes over it, and issue a negative LMIA. That's the process in a nutshell.
  17. M

    How come CEC candidate couldn't get 600 arranged employment points?!

    PR is not something you buy with tuition money (or ANY money). It doesn't work that way. This is the Government you're dealing with, not a private business. Nobody promised foreign students anything. I've tried and tried asking for this but so far nobody has been able to show me any document...
  18. M

    How to get a work visa to work in my own business in Canada

    On this subject, I find it strange that anyone would want to turn to immigration consultants for ANY advice. Immigration Consultant is an overblown term. Like many other types of consultants, this type of profession only exists because people want somebody to tell them what they want to hear...
  19. M

    CEC PR Rejected - need advise pls

    It is NOT the Visa Officer's job to go through the entire NOC classification and find, for the applicant, some qualifying occupation under which his declared duties could fall. That's an absurd expectation. For one thing, no Visa Officer has that sort of time to spend on just one application...
  20. M

    EXPRESS ENTRY realted questions for PGWP Holders/CEC category

    By the way, did you know that a person whose Post Grad Work Permit is expiring can no longer extend or get a new Work Permit unless they have LMIA? This is true whether they're looking to extend the expiring permit or seek a new permit as a Temporary Worker. Just in case you think I'm...