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  1. Aneyshar

    Thread for July 2011 applicants

    Anna_sol, i've added a link to that chart to our spreadsheet, it's a the bottom. I've also started a chart for July applications approved in August, so far only one ;) 8) Good luck to all, continue waiting, things may start moving a wee faster :P
  2. Aneyshar

    June 2011

    hey guys, I made this chart to show you how slooooooowwwwwwly July and beginning of August have been at CPC-Mississauga for approving first stage of PR applications!! This is based on the spreadsheet maintained by MDSB and as you can see hardly anything happened in terms of approvals between...
  3. Aneyshar

    August 2011 applicants lets get the waiting game started :)

    guys, i don't think there's such a thing as a confirmation email that CPC-M or any CIC dependency sends to you when they receive the application. I shipped mine back in July (the 8th to be exact), they received it on the 12th according to UPS delivery records and signature of person receiving...
  4. Aneyshar

    Thread for July 2011 applicants

    dutchboy, are you serious or ARE you serious??!!!! :o please, don't scare me like that or i'll have to smash you with this bottle of *hic* ... something. :P
  5. Aneyshar


  6. Aneyshar

    Thread for July 2011 applicants

    nice idea Mandy! Rozine, come with us and bring that bottle, i need to get intoxicated, maybe i'll start seeing that 52 as 25!! Shamsia, sure, come along, we'll party all day long and forget about processing times!! 8) *hic*
  7. Aneyshar

    Faster if outside Canada?

    As I wrote in my previous post, you can read Leon's post that covers that point and many others in detail. Here's the relevant excerpt: "For faster processing and freedom of travel during the processing time, outland would be better." In general, an outland applicant is free to travel, even to...
  8. Aneyshar

    Spousal sponsorship

    Re: Spousal sponsorship - QUESTIONS DocPeru, you can send private message if you want. Feel free to ask any question, I'll try to help as much as I can ;) Your situation is similar to ours, so probably I could help make sense of some of the questions.
  9. Aneyshar

    Thread for July 2011 applicants

    jkemp, welcome to our thread. I've added your info to our spreadsheet so you can compare your progress with everybody else who applied in July. Please confirm the date CPC-M received your application... and I believe your VO is Buffalo, correct? Always happy to see new members in our July-2011...
  10. Aneyshar

    Thread for July 2011 applicants

    ok folks, i've updated our EAD, now counting the 52 estimated number of days for first stage approval! I think I liked the 49 days better >:( I'm scared now to see what will happen come next Wednesday. ??? So, September the 2nd here I go....
  11. Aneyshar

    Thread for July 2011 applicants

    You're welcome to stay with us in the July 2011 thread but if you wish you can check with others in the <a href="http://www.canadavisa.com/canada-immigration-discussion-board/inland-application-2011-t67267.0.html;msg668777#msg668777">Inland Application 2011</a> thread. Good luck!!
  12. Aneyshar

    Faster if outside Canada?

    Read Leon's first post on the Family Class section's first page, it contains lots of valuable information and advice on how to get started with your PR application. Since you are from a visa-exempt country bordering Canada you're better off applying outland, you can still visit your spouse and...
  13. Aneyshar

    Medical exam soon to expire...

    I don't mean to add fuel to the fire, but some DMP's refuse to perform medicals if applicant doesn't submit a request from the VO! I've seen this happen to someone. So, it depends on the VO, the specific DMP and probably your specific case. There's a 50/50 chance that you'll be asked to re-do...
  14. Aneyshar

    please someone suggest me what should i do now........

    The OP never mentioned that he is the one sponsoring his mother, actually the poster said "from my mother who is in Canada....", so is that outland or inland? Parent or child? Anyways, like i mentioned in my response to his post, he should wait another couple of months for his passport to be...
  15. Aneyshar

    please someone suggest me what should i do now........

    It normally takes another month or two after submitting a passport to receive it back with the visa. But it's hard to say in your situation as you don't specify much about your case, I assume it's outland, probably your mother is sponsoring you as a dependent child (?), but you don't mention if...
  16. Aneyshar

    sponsorship inquiry on status

    Only if you order the complete "IN CANADA FILE" through the CAIPS process would you see an effect, because the processing office will have to retrieve the file physically for photocopying. You can read more about the process to request CAIPS here: http://immipedia.ca/Ordering_FOSS_and_CAIPS_notes
  17. Aneyshar

    Thread for July 2011 applicants

    hey dutchboy, it would be awesome if you'd come up with a poem to the CIC and the PR visa process, something along the lines of: I need so very hard to be with my mate But all I can do now is wait, wait, wait, wait The processing times are driving me nuts But what is it? I ask Is the backlog...
  18. Aneyshar

    Thread for July 2011 applicants

    sure thing Xanthe. Although there is a separate thread for Inland applications (Vegreville) I can add you to our July 2011 spreadsheet, but obviously your process will differ from the outland ones by a long margin. Good luck though and keep up those updates!