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    Ray of Hope - 114th Draw

    Can someone please confirm?
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    Ray of Hope - 114th Draw

    Anyone who did ECA from IQAS, where can date of eca issued be found? There is no such date on the ECA report. Which date to enter when creating EE profile. It asks for date eca was issued.
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    IQAS ECA timeline tracking

    Congratulations. Are you able to view certificate online?
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    IQAS ECA timeline tracking

    Hi All, is the certificate online (portal) same as the hard copy? I mean one can use the eca soft copy if in case hard copy does not get delivered?
  5. X

    Anyone with multiple IELTS attempt ?

    Can anyone PM me the link as well please? Thanks
  6. X

    I filled form within 7 minutes and i was told it was closed. lying!!!

    Some got it in between the the 8th and 9th minute
  7. X

    PGP 2019: Family size decreased in last 3 years

    Another source: https://www.canada.ca/en/immigration-refugees-citizenship/services/application/application-forms-guides/guide-5772-application-sponsor-parents-grandparents.html#undertaking Minimum Necessary Income requirement for sponsors of parents and grandparents If you are sponsoring a...
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    PGP 2019: Family size decreased in last 3 years

    These are great links zardoz. 5.32. Minimum necessary income requirement: Low-Income Cut-Off levels (LICO) The sponsor’s income must meet the minimum necessary income requirement, as identified annually by Statistics Canada in LICO levels, to support all members of a sponsor’s own family and...
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    PGP 2019: Family size decreased in last 3 years

    Any sponsors with family size decreased within the past 3 years? It could be due to; - divorce - separation - death - dependent turning 23 - valid undertakings period completed - any other? Lets discuss here, how to count family size or unit
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    Parents and Grandparents Sponsorship Eligibility Question

    You mean, even if he submit completed application before his wedding? If ircc re-access later after his marriage, at that time, he will have to show that he meet min. income requirement for 4 persons in family (for all previous years 2018 2017 2016)?
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    Parents and Grandparents Sponsorship Eligibility Question

    I understand he needs to maintain minimum income from the date on which the sponsorship application is signed until the day family members are granted status as permanent residents. But the part i still don't fully understand is how ircc would determine if he is maintaining the minimum or not in...
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    Parents and Grandparents Sponsorship Eligibility Question

    Someone asked me this question. I am referring that person as Tom here. Tom is PR of Canada His gross income (line 150) is; 2015 50000 2016 52000 2017 54000 2018 (expected earnings) 56000 2019 (expected earnings) 80000 Tom wants to sponsor his both parents and not sister. Tom's sister is 25...
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    Passports to CPC-O - Feb 2018 - Connect Here

    Congrats dear. Mine received Mar 9 Cic status: waiting
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    Passports to CPC-O - Feb 2018 - Connect Here

    Anyone sent PP last week and still waiting for approval in gc key/ my cic?
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    Passports to CPC-O - Feb 2018 - Connect Here

    I think you will be fine. I have heard many miss it and no issues. When did you submit passport?
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    Passports to CPC-O - Feb 2018 - Connect Here

    Congratulations on getting copr and passport back. I have heard that if the photos do not meet specifications then they return and you can then submit at the time of landing. Did you get yours too at walmart?
  17. X

    Passports to CPC-O - Feb 2018 - Connect Here

    Anybody status changed today in gc key mycic?
  18. X

    PPR from NDVO but PA in Canada

    Anyone who is in Canada but received PPR from NDVO? how did you submit passport, to NDVO or Ottawa? As per indian laws, it is not allowed to mail passport overseas. My friend is in this situation and wondering where to submit passport.