haha.. just because @vkaslp and I have the exact same timeline right to the AOR date.
And if she has received some update from NDVO and IF my file is at NDVO as well - I deduce that they've reached April 08th AORs.
Plus, I'm idle, so I like to pass my time in speculation. :D
I remember signing documents. :)
Plus, I've given my consultants/lawyers IMM 5476E : USE OF A REPRESENTATIVE.. so I'm sure there is no issue.
I'll just ask them if it doesn't come through today.
I have a question. I looked up what "Schedule A" is and all the info asked therein, I remember I gave to my consultants at the time of ITA.
Is there a possibility that they would ask for the info again at this stage if already provided? Or does this request come only to those who haven't...
Yours should be on the way, MapleIt!
These are the list of CEC Inlanders which are left!
Congratulations SantoshKrishna , SpainFabi, rmalhotra2606 !!
All 3 of you are CEC-Inland! Maybe today is the day for CEC-Inlanders! :D
All the best to the rest. :)
Twiddle dee, Twiddle dum
I sit here, twiddling my thumbs.
Twiddle dee, twiddle dum
Waiting for the rains to come.
Twiddle dee, twiddle dum
an obsessed person, I've become
Twiddle dum, Twiddle dee
PPR Mail, its time to be received.
I wonder when I'll get the PPR - no status change even today. Sigh!
180 days are up. 6 months tomorrow (saturday!)
Application status : Open
Review of eligibility : Review in Progress
Review of medicals : Passed
No additional documents needed at this time
Interview: Not needed at this time...
Wait up - Wait up! 08 April AOR sitting and waiting!!
Congratulations to all who received their PPRs today!
May the PPR Rain Gods continue their showers! :)