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  1. sunshinejan

    AOR JAN 2016 - let's get together

    Hey, don't panic! All of us from Jan groups who still haven't got PPR are crossing the 5 months mark somewhere soon and it doesn't mean you or any of us are going to get rejected. :) I am FSW outland and as far as I can see this category is the slowest ever, cause my peers started getting pprs...
  2. sunshinejan

    AOR JAN 2016 - let's get together

    Hey, that's a big step forward, congrats! I wonder how come they work on weekends?
  3. sunshinejan

    AOR JAN 2016 - let's get together

    1,5 months since RPRF payment and not a single movement, even in BGC. I believe there are still many people waiting, but as more and more PPRs pop up on the forum everyday (FSW outland particularly) this wait becomes even more frustrating and scary and nerve racking:((( I am starting to think...
  4. sunshinejan

    AOR JAN 2016 - let's get together

    I guess it was a bad idea to NOT pay rprf upfront. I believe we could have got our PPRs much earlier if we paid it upfront.
  5. sunshinejan

    AOR JAN 2016 - let's get together

    I have already paid on may 6. No news since then
  6. sunshinejan

    AOR JAN 2016 - let's get together

    Guys, in my RPRF request letter, it's written: "This is in reference to your application for a permanent resident visa, which has been found eligible in the Class for which it was submitted. Admissibility review (security, criminality and/or medical) is still ongoing; you will be contacted if...
  7. sunshinejan

    RPRF Paid month ago but PPR still pending- connect here (RPRF in April and May)

    Hello guys, I am FSW Ooutland RPRF paid on May 6 So over 1 month and no news. I believe it highly depends on the category of the application as well. Lately there've been lots and lots of PNP and CEC getting pprs. So i very much hope fsw outlands are next
  8. sunshinejan

    AOR JAN 2016 - let's get together

    Oh cool! So happy to see FSW outlanders getting PPRs, hope to get mine also very soon. Can't get my mind off this...
  9. sunshinejan

    AOR Armenia - let's get together

    Hello Ashot! This is a very good initiative, thanks for creating this board. I hope we'll see more Armenians networking here. I am FSW outland (meaning I am in Armenia now) :) with AOR on Jan 19th. Almost 5 months waiting and already getting worried. What are your timelines and categories?
  10. sunshinejan

    AOR JAN 2016 - let's get together

    Hi alexanderla, I am FSW outland too with very similar timeline. (See in my signature) To tell the truth it is so comforting to see that i am not the only fsw outland from jan group still waiting for ppr))) I have strong hopes though that we'll get pprs by the end of June!! #fingerscrossed
  11. sunshinejan

    AOR JAN 2016 - let's get together

    Congrats!!!! what is your category?
  12. sunshinejan

    AOR JAN 2016 - let's get together

    lots of people are still waiting, including me. I am panicking already too, cause it's been over 1 month after i paid RPRF. So worried. Let this week bring PPRs to all of us waiting! #fingerscrossed
  13. sunshinejan

    AOR JAN 2016 - let's get together

    Hi Ali, Congrats on your PPR! Can you please share your AOR and PPR dates please? Thank you
  14. sunshinejan

    AOR JAN 2016 - let's get together

    Thanks for cheering up)) i am just interested if anyone from my category jan 2016 has got ppr so far. I personally haven't seen any on the forum, but i am not checking in everyday.
  15. sunshinejan

    AOR JAN 2016 - let's get together

    Guys, there still seems to be 0 movement among FSW outland applicants. I am kind of stressed out already, cause it's been already 4mths and 3 weeks now(( Has anyone from january FSW outland applicants received PPR so far? And again huge congrats to all of you who got their PPRs!!! :)
  16. sunshinejan

    AOR JAN 2016 - let's get together

    Congrats to all PPR holders! Seems like it hasn't rained much on FSW outlanders so far. Only pnp and other inland categories have been getting ppr recently. Guys is it true that PPRs usually come tuesdays and thursdays?
  17. sunshinejan

    AOR JAN 2016 - let's get together

    It's been exactly 4 weeks since I paid RPRF. Nothing changed in my BG check and no news since then :((
  18. sunshinejan

    AOR JAN 2016 - let's get together

    i am starting to think that the 6 months official processing is a myth////
  19. sunshinejan

    AOR JAN 2016 - let's get together

    4 months 12 days here, FSW Outland I too hope to hear something GOOD this week... As i remember reading on this forum, CIC seems to be more "active" on tuesdays and thursdays i think? fingers crossed. good luck to us!
  20. sunshinejan

    AOR JAN 2016 - let's get together

    This wait is seriously killing :(( 4 months, 11 days or 132 days in total... the official statistics says fsw outlander applications get processed on average within 4 months and 21 days... these few weeks have really beeen PPR-less (if i can say that word) :P hope to have a better week this...