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  1. denmanveer

    Need help in finalizing "University" -- URGENT

    Bro wbu M.Eng. in ECE program i.e. Electrical and Computer Engineering , Which university is better for a Computer Science graduate student:- 1. Queens University 2. University of Ottawa 3. Carleton University Waiting for your reply.
  2. denmanveer

    Review of M. Engg. Internetworking @ Dalhousie University

    Re: Review of M. Engg. Internetworking @ Dalhousie University Oh thats great then. But then for that pure dedication is required which I don't think most of the international students give to their course as they are more interested in doing part time jobs.
  3. denmanveer

    POE experience

    Okk but I heard many here saying that they didn't get any introduction letter with their visa.
  4. denmanveer

    Review of M. Engg. Internetworking @ Dalhousie University

    Re: Review of M. Engg. Internetworking @ Dalhousie University CCIE Is not a piece of cake to crack, nd we can get jobs with CCIE only no degree is required, nd if we r getting a job basis on CCIE then whats the fun of doing Meng. in internetworking.
  5. denmanveer

    Master's at carleton - winter intake 2016

    it all varies from course to course see this:- https:// gsapplications.carleton. ca/deadlines.php
  6. denmanveer


    But I think this is the reason for your refusal that Along with M.Eng. field was not mentioned, Because then how come visa officer will know that you are heading towards mechanical field without any thing in written in all the documents.
  7. denmanveer

    list of documents on arrival

    no issues bro :)
  8. denmanveer

    POE experience

    you got introduction letter along with visa? or after few days from getting your visa ?
  9. denmanveer

    what company of mobiles are working in the canada(except apple)

    Electronics items are cheap in Canada and moreover lots of offers come in December month. but initially the cash you will be having has to be used for many other expenses, so I will say you should take phone from India along with you.
  10. denmanveer

    Review of M. Engg. Internetworking @ Dalhousie University

    Re: Review of M. Engg. Internetworking @ Dalhousie University May be others were not eligible for the job. Can be possible.
  11. denmanveer

    Is this a course mismatch??

    go for Electrical and Computer Engineering (M.Eng.)
  12. denmanveer

    list of documents on arrival

    good luck bro for your new phase :)
  13. denmanveer

    Toronto or Oattwa? (humber or Algonquin)

    if you want a better a college around Toronto then Sheridan is the best which is situated in Brampton. And if we talk about Toronto vs Ottawa both are equally good, one is expensive but salaries are also higher nd more opportunities. so choose any both are equally good. But if talk about...
  14. denmanveer

    Master's at carleton - winter intake 2016

    yes it's right, that universities do take time around 6-8 weeks. So sit back and relax and be positive you will get a +ve response :)
  15. denmanveer

    Carleton university-fall 2015 connect here

    Thank you so much mam, will love to contact you in future also, can you share your email id or fb id , through which I can be in contact with you. If I need any help in future. thanks in advance.
  16. denmanveer

    Carleton university-fall 2015 connect here

    Thanku so much mam, For helping me out by answering all my questions, I will love to hear the reasons which made you choose Carleton uni. Over other universities Specially Uni. Of ottawa, Moreover mam if we talk about money, Uni. Of ottawa is much cheaper than Carleton , Also Uni. Of ottawa...
  17. denmanveer

    Carleton university-fall 2015 connect here

    Hello Jasmine Mam, I am Manveer, currently I have completed my 6th Sem. Of my Btech in CSE, I am also planning for masters in Canada, I have few questions to ask, hope I will get your reply. Firstly:- I have heard UVic is much better than carleton then why didn't you opted for UVic...