pnp is a long wait and if you are in ontario it takes 8 months roughly but lmia usually takes 10 days for high wage positions. And the other thing related to posting for job i think if you already have a job you dont need to advertise again but i am nit sure on this
I am earning 19$ per hour and median for ontario is 21$. On job bank the median wage for noc code 9421 is 18 so what will be the outcome if i go for lmia? Do i stand in low wage catogory?
Currently i am in Ontario and unfortunately Ontarion dont have EE pnp working right now so i can only apply for regular pnp but on the other hand i have option for applying lmia through my company so which one will be easier and faster??
It means if i apply pnp i need to apply paper application for pr? Under what catogory i will apply for that and how long it takes for the whole process..
Thanks for reply
Does Ontario pnp holder is eligible to get 600 points? And how about alberta? I saw a news on alberta gov website that pnp holders cannot get 600 points under EE