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  1. itguy78

    Decision Made after Test?

    Thanks for the info! At least we know that there are other ceremonies other than what's listed on the CIC website.
  2. itguy78

    Decision Made after Test?

    In process to decision made then back to in process seems like a pattern for "oath letter is on your way" -- or at least it happened to a number of people from Montreal.
  3. itguy78

    Decision Made after Test?

    If it's at least 1 week away there's always a chance, but it is not "likely". The guys from Windsor who just got oath for July 8th had their letters mailed on June 16th.. so that was a few weeks in advance. Keep in mind each local office may handle things differently. In any case, I'm in the...
  4. itguy78

    Decision Made after Test?

    As mentioned in the other thread, with all the proof you gathered you should be fine. You haven't done anything wrong so there's no reason for them to refuse your application, sure it's non-routine so it's going to take some more work but the items you listed are exactly the proof they're...
  5. itguy78

    Decision Made after Test?

    Nope, I passed the test (with my wife) on May 27th but unlike them, my ecas doesn't show anything new.. just "decision made" with nothing added after the test invite.
  6. itguy78

    Decision Made after Test?

    Congrats to you, Jane33 and suser! I assume your ceremony is on Walker rd ? cause July 8th is not even listed in the CIC website as an oath date for Windsor.
  7. itguy78

    Effective date of Bill C24

    Good question, and I agree -- at some point someone has to be able to verify their identity -- whatever that ALREADY is should be done on oath too.
  8. itguy78

    Effective date of Bill C24

    I am not religious, have nothing against any religion, but to me that's just another typical xenophobic bill. If they want to verify someone is reciting the oath with a burqa all they have to do is put an official close to the person so the official can HEAR the person reciting the oath... I'd...
  9. itguy78

    Enter Canada with a non-Canadian passport & a Canadian citizenship certificate?

    Now that makes perfect sense to me (even though I still find it ridiculous) -- the airline didn't consider his Citizenship card because it is not a "travel documment" (they were right on that), and they also did not allow the person to board with a visa exempt passport in the account that the...
  10. itguy78

    September 2014 Citizenship Application

    Been waiting since I passed the test on May 27th... ecas says "decision made" since June 3rd -- no invitation yet, this highly depends on the local office and what oath ceremony dates are available.
  11. itguy78

    Decision Made after Test?

    My ecas still is "decision made" with no extra lines added. Passed test 5/27 (along with wife) and haven't received anything in the mail either -- also from Windsor. Looks like that June 12th style notification is becoming the standard for Windsor which is likely to be good news for all of you...
  12. itguy78

    Enter Canada with a non-Canadian passport & a Canadian citizenship certificate?

    You can mail the guarantor's form and have them mail it back (if there's enough time for that) -- a friend of mine in a similar situation did that and had no issues.
  13. itguy78

    Decision Made after Test?

    Well, the mail already came today but nothing from CIC.. so I probably won't make the July 1st ceremony unless they send me a short-notice invitation. @IRCANADA, did you get anything yet?
  14. itguy78

    Decision Made after Test?

    Thanks for keeping us updated! At least you already have your oath letter (which is the important part).
  15. itguy78

    Enter Canada with a non-Canadian passport & a Canadian citizenship certificate?

    They may not like it, they may put you in a room, ask questions and verify the legitimacy of your documents but as a permanent resident or citizen I highly doubt they would kick you out once you land in Canada. I would be willing to bet money that they would want to see the passport you used for...
  16. itguy78

    Enter Canada with a non-Canadian passport & a Canadian citizenship certificate?

    Yes, I have seen the level of scrutiny the airlines will put you thru personally. When I was studying/working on a temporary visa and was going back to that country on a return ticket the airlines would always give me crap -- eventually they would let me thru based on my visa, but even then it...
  17. itguy78

    Enter Canada with a non-Canadian passport & a Canadian citizenship certificate?

    I wouldn't risk buying an airline ticket unless I had a passport from a visa-exempt country or had a valid visa. If you have a valid US visa you could fly to a border city and drive into Canada (already adds another level of trouble to the trip). I'm sure that at the worst case you could apply...
  18. itguy78

    Enter Canada with a non-Canadian passport & a Canadian citizenship certificate?

    By air I doubt the airline will let you board. By car I'm sure it would be ok (even if they put you thru second inspection) -- when you drive from the US to Canada you only speak with CBSA officers directly, while a passport/PR/Nexus is preferred, having any gov issued ID and the Citizenship...
  19. itguy78

    Decision Made after Test?

    There are people in this same thread that had status go from "decision made" to "in process" and received oath letter - I wouldn't expect it to be different for you.
  20. itguy78

    Decision Made after Test?

    Seeing this kind of info gives me hope since my ecas has been on decision made for awhile now.