To anyone who was contacted to do landing interview by phone during on and after March 18:
Would you like to come here and tell us, so that to give us a little hope? Thank you in advance!
They are still processing the applications, though slowly. You will get your sa, dm, etc. But landing interviews are stopped, without a signal of movement.
How many Julyers are still waiting for landing interview? I feel desperate. I can't see an ending of this pandemic, and we have no hope for landing soon.
Hello all in this post. You were talking about files were transfer to etobicoke. I am wonder what this means. Is etobicoke very special? In what situations will your files be transferred to there? I appreciate for your answers.
I guess you should tell AINP! I am curious that how you will be effected in such a case. Will the nomination be cancelled and you have to find another job to sponsor you? The breakout of coronavirus brings out many unexpected possibilities.
How the death of sponsor effects the processing of PR application? The outbreak of coronavirus reminds me such a weird thinking. I am curious about this. Does anyone know what will happen in such case and how to deal with it?
I was asked to resubmit a IMM5669 file. In the message to me, I was asked to submit it in IRCC Webform. I have linked my application on myCIC account. So, anyone know if I can upload the file in myCIC?
Please tell me something if you know it. Thank you so much in advance.
Whose ecas do you check, sponsor's or applicant's? To me, "We started processing your application" appeared in sponsor's ecas very early on the day when AOR was received.
Maybe they just do not update in time. No worries, you have got an email for Sponsor approval, and also got an email saying you meet the eligibility requirements for permanent residence, so both sa and aip in your hand, congrats you!