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  1. Vivir_Y_Aprender

    Track your PR card timeline and processing times here

    Exactly! We are outland PR's from different continents, we landed in March and April... how come MAY landerz are getting postal deliveries so soon!
  2. Vivir_Y_Aprender

    Track your PR card timeline and processing times here

    I will raise my next webform in mid july... I will be completing like 100+ days since mid-march landing and not a TRACE of PR CARD in sight! What a terrible scenario for us *weep *weep :( :(
  3. Vivir_Y_Aprender

    Track your PR card timeline and processing times here

    What stage are you at? BEFORE BORDER CROSSING or AFTER BORDER CROSSING? PR status is activated at immigration desk at the Airport when you do the border entry? Orrrr....Have you already entered the border and are inland?
  4. Vivir_Y_Aprender

    Track your PR card timeline and processing times here

    Jeez....If only UK was an easy migration or easy laws to become a PR there! what a dream! Anyhow, now we are in line to become Canadian Citizens in 5 years. Gotta get down n dirty and just make it work... make it happen people!!!!
  5. Vivir_Y_Aprender

    Track your PR card timeline and processing times here

    100% - Hitting the nail on the head.
  6. Vivir_Y_Aprender

    Track your PR card timeline and processing times here

    Three cheers for positivity dose by @dashing_warrior (I am a mid march PR lander btw) - my life is still on hold. Thank god for relatives.
  7. Vivir_Y_Aprender

    Track your PR card timeline and processing times here

    I hope I also get this mail for some fake mental satisfaction. Hungry for peanuts as a snack!
  8. Vivir_Y_Aprender

    Track your PR card timeline and processing times here

    Good insights... but... I wonder... Then why are people so CRAZY LOONEY about CANADA, CANADA DREAM, FRESH WATER, TIMMYS! bla bla bla yada yada yada... Canada is a BRAND is quite well SOLD, I must say. Mayple leaf, read color, 420 is legal!, LGBTQ+ thrives ble bla bla blehhh Of yes! Its...
  9. Vivir_Y_Aprender

    Track your PR card timeline and processing times here

    When can i give my drive test? any idea when ministry will re-open road tests! YIKES reschedulling will have soooooo much log & waiting lists... :(
  10. Vivir_Y_Aprender

    Track your PR card timeline and processing times here

    IRCC should stop everything they are doing and only focus on approval and prodcution of PR cards of Feb+Mar+April landing candidates because - 1. These candidates risked their health to start their life from scratch, from zero, in a new region in Feb/Mar/Apr months 2. These candidates had an...
  11. Vivir_Y_Aprender

    Track your PR card timeline and processing times here

    This is a NIGHTMARE dressed as a DAYDREAM. Wicked jokes like thorns of a rose. :(
  12. Vivir_Y_Aprender

    Track your PR card timeline and processing times here

    I think it's a PILE UP situation. Imagine a big pile of papework and a jug of black coffee.
  13. Vivir_Y_Aprender

    Track your PR card timeline and processing times here

    Two weeks for PR Card in the GOOD OLD DAYS is like a dream from a disney novel for us..... Now the situation is P.A.T.H.E.T.I.C :(
  14. Vivir_Y_Aprender

    Track your PR card timeline and processing times here

    Basically agent is saying - WAIT FOR YOUR PR CARD AND DON'T ANNOY US! Hehe
  15. Vivir_Y_Aprender

    Track your PR card timeline and processing times here

    Got this response from IRCC after 7 days, standard & generic - Good day XYZ, Thank you for contacting Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC). Due to the ongoing situation related to the novel coronavirus (COVID-19), some IRCC offices are currently operating with reduced or...
  16. Vivir_Y_Aprender

    Track your PR card timeline and processing times here

    Off topic...Is your username inspired by that JD Salinger book 'Catcher in the Rye'? SO FUN! Any how... no updates after webform :( EERIE SILENCE as a usual norm we all face and is drilled into any PR applicant's system. I think i will open a champagne bottle in Mid August only now... PR...
  17. Vivir_Y_Aprender

    Track your PR card timeline and processing times here

    @Debabrata Biswas - Worng Thread! This is for us struggling PRz waiting for our cards and trying to build a life here... for your cause...You can try insta, fb and twitter - IRCC and both JT have their handles. Best of luck & stay safe! :)
  18. Vivir_Y_Aprender

    Track your PR card timeline and processing times here

    How wonderful and helpful of you! Thanks for being so resourceful. I love this forum :)
  19. Vivir_Y_Aprender

    Track your PR card timeline and processing times here

    Great plan...as all of us have limited funds.... you can visit some national parks during your annual summer breaks. I think it all depends upon determination and passion to survive and create avenues for oneself in this climate... can you switch sectors? can you gain more skills? can you work a...
  20. Vivir_Y_Aprender

    Track your PR card timeline and processing times here

    I get some sadistic satisfaction by looking at college students. THEY. ARE. EVERYWHERE. Everywhere I look, I see 20 yr old something college student. Their parents must be spending so much M.O.N.E.Y! Gosh, they must be suffering a lot, summer intern is peanuts, summer job is peanuts, part time...