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  1. C

    AOR in January 2017 - Connect Here!

    Thank you for your response montu! Are they even processing Outland applications there?!
  2. C

    AOR in January 2017 - Connect Here!

    Congratulations to all who received PPR recently! A question: I want to find out which office my application has gone to (I'm assuming London since I live 20 mins from London!) I know that the email is CPC-CTD-Ottawa@cic.gc.ca but what information do I need to include in the email and what...
  3. C

    AOR in January 2017 - Connect Here!

    Excellent thank you! In the event they tell us to call LVO, how do we find out which is our LVO? I'd give you a +1 but I gave you one less than 168 hrs ago! You're just too helpful
  4. C

    AOR in January 2017 - Connect Here!

    Thank you. I think we'll call them and ask what they suggest. Any idea of the phone number we need to call?
  5. C

    AOR in January 2017 - Connect Here!

    Hello everyone! We have just received an LMIA (applied for in November lol!) and want to add it to our application. Does anyone know what documents we may need to provide. I'm guessing we let them know through a CSE?
  6. C

    AOR in January 2017 - Connect Here!

    Yes indeed! We can return to my horse, our stuff, our friends, our jobs, our LIFE!
  7. C

    AOR in January 2017 - Connect Here!

    Congratulations to all who got PPR, and all those one step closer! I dream of the day we get PPR and I can quit my job and go hooooooome!
  8. C


    http://www.canadavisa.com/canada-immigration-discussion-board/aor-in-january-2017-connect-here-t467258.3105.html This group is pretty established already. Feel free to keep up to date on timelines on that topic. :)
  9. C

    Transfer £ to CAD.

    Damn it Brexit!
  10. C

    2 WEEKS at VO and still no VISA

    They say 4 weeks. A friend of mine submitted his and got it back I think 5 or 6 weeks later. But he submitted over Christmas and new year so that probably explains the delay. Wait until 4 weeks is up then maybe send a message or call them.
  11. C

    AOR in January 2017 - Connect Here!

    Thank you, thank you :) +1 Not so good with the tracker but maybe I'll get better at understanding it all ha!
  12. C

    AOR in January 2017 - Connect Here!

    Thanks for the reply! This is probably a 'how long is a piece of string' kind of question, but what's the average wait for the potential next change from nn to ip? Also what kind of things will they be checking at this time? If known. At what point would you expect a rejection if one is coming...
  13. C

    AOR in January 2017 - Connect Here!

    Our BG went like this: March 2nd: nn --> ip (same day as meds passed (received email notification)) March 4th: ip --> nn (now known as not applicable (no email notification received for this change?!)) Would the next step be nn --> ip (or whatever the new equivalent is)? Also what does this...
  14. C

    AOR in January 2017 - Connect Here!

    Wondering if anyone can help me clarify my timeline a little: AOR: January 28th Review of eligibility: in progress March 2nd Meds passed: March 2nd BG: nn--> ip March 2nd --> nn March 4th I don't have an upfront RCMP check. What's the general scheme of things? At what point do they check...
  15. C

    AOR in January 2017 - Connect Here!

    Can anybody help with clarity on this please?
  16. C

    AOR in January 2017 - Connect Here!

    AOR: Jan 28th Meds passed: March 2nd Review of eligibility: in progress: March 2nd Review of submitted documents: no additional docs required at this time: March 2nd Interview: not needed at this time: March 2nd Background check: in progress March 2nd Final decision: not started March 2nd What...
  17. C

    Proof of Funds (Express Entry)

    My husband is the principal applicant, I have the money. I recently added him onto my account so it's now a joint account in both our names. Do I still need to do the above? Or will the letter from our joint account suffice even though he is a recent addition?
  18. C

    Employment records for non- NOC experience ???

    Aaaargh! Reading all this means that we have a huge number of documents that we could have avoided having to get! We have managed to procure reference letters from all our previous employers so I guess there's no point in changing it now.
  19. C

    Jan 11 ITA Recipients >>>>CONVERGE Here for next STEPS

    Thank you Stanlee, confirming what I thought but it's always nice to cross check :)
  20. C

    Jan 11 ITA Recipients >>>>CONVERGE Here for next STEPS

    HELP! We are uploading documents but the list won't load properly. It's asking for multiple PCC's when we have only lived in Canada and native UK for more than 6 months thus only needing a uk PCC, or does this mean that we need Canadian police checks as well? It also isn't indicating which...