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  1. Zagros Ahmed

    Express Entry - e-APR Submitted in November 2016

    I fully share your frustration! The worst part is a lack of proper clarification and communication. They don't tell us who might get chosen for SS, or why, or once you are chosen, how long it will take, or basically anything meaningful, an that is really frustrating and shows that this system...
  2. Zagros Ahmed

    Express Entry - e-APR Submitted in November 2016

    Thanks for the response. I have never called them by phone and all of my correspondences have been via email. Care to explain what number to use? I have heard that you can call them by using this number (+1 613-944-4000), then you choose 1, 1, 1, and then, 7, and finally 0. Can you please...
  3. Zagros Ahmed

    Express Entry - e-APR Submitted in November 2016

    Did they tell you about having your medicals extended by phone? Are you inland?
  4. Zagros Ahmed

    Express Entry - e-APR Submitted in November 2016

    Really sad! It is very similar to mine as well. My AOR was November 13 (which means two weeks before yours), and everything was done by November 29. They transferred my file to Paris Visa Office and they shelved it for 5.5 months, Eligibility for me passed at PVO on 18 May and that is when they...
  5. Zagros Ahmed

    Express Entry - e-APR Submitted in November 2016

    I'm really not very sure, but I don't see why it will be an issue. However, you are a November applicant and hopefully you need just a couple of additional months, so why not wait it out for a few additional months? Have you ordered GCMS notes to see when SS was initiated and see if CSIS has...
  6. Zagros Ahmed

    Express Entry - e-APR Submitted in November 2016

    Thanks for the update. It's good that your SS was initiated a bit early (mine was started on 18 May, roughly two months after yours). After CSIS is done, your file is almost always directed to CBSA and it usually takes a long time there (though there was a case recently in which it took only one...
  7. Zagros Ahmed

    Express Entry - e-APR Submitted in November 2016

    To be honest, I'm not very sure. As far as I know, PNP applicants (both inland and outland) usually get an indefinite extension for their medicals. Just make sure you send a CSE before a year passes from the date you did your medical checkups.
  8. Zagros Ahmed

    Express Entry - e-APR Submitted in November 2016

    For language, you do not have to worry about it because once you receive AOR (which you have), then it doesn't matter even if it expires. However, for medicals, it will expires after 1 full year. What you can do is send a CSE before a year passes and ask them to extend your medicals, which they...
  9. Zagros Ahmed

    Express Entry - e-APR Submitted in November 2016

    They get PPR withing a couple of months because their applications never undergo (Security Screening). You see, there are two types of security: one which we can call (normal) security, which takes at most two months, and the other is called (Security Screening -or- SS for short), and this is...
  10. Zagros Ahmed

    Express Entry - e-APR Submitted in November 2016

    Interestingly, my application status changed to (in progress) on 18 May as well, though my AOR was earlier than yours (13 Nov). As for your question, no can really tell. Once your application goes into SS, there is no limit to how long it would take. One member here whose name was Sherif and he...
  11. Zagros Ahmed

    Express Entry - e-APR Submitted in November 2016

    Usually, after eligibility passes, your application status changes to (in progress) and a short while after that you will receive PPR, that is assuming you do not get selected for (security screening -or- SS). If you are unlucky enough to get selected for SS (like the rest of us here), then you...
  12. Zagros Ahmed

    Express Entry - e-APR Submitted in November 2016

    It is too early for you to panic! Eligibility could take several months to pass. Mine passed after 5 months. It usually takes less than 5 months, but you should be patient and wait it out another month or so.
  13. Zagros Ahmed

    Express Entry - e-APR Submitted in November 2016

    True, if his IP2 was so close to PPR, then he certainly was not under SS. Congratulations to him all the same.
  14. Zagros Ahmed

    Express Entry - e-APR Submitted in November 2016

    There are two types of security, normal security and (security screening - or - SS). Applications under SS usually take much longer to process and that is why all of us here who have applied in November are still waiting for PPR. The only way to know whether you are under SS or not is by...
  15. Zagros Ahmed

    Express Entry - e-APR Submitted in November 2016

    Congratulations to you and all the best.
  16. Zagros Ahmed

    Express Entry - e-APR Submitted in November 2016

    Very strange! I have not heard of such a case before. As suggested by Aali, perhaps you should consult Legalfalcon. Please let us know what his explanation is.
  17. Zagros Ahmed

    Express Entry - e-APR Submitted in November 2016

    I have added you to the list and have removed cybersiju, who thankfully received his PPR today.
  18. Zagros Ahmed

    Express Entry - e-APR Submitted in November 2016

    Big congratulations to you, friend. I wish you all the very best in all your future endeavors. As the others have asked, can you please confirm that you were under security screening (you can find out if you are under SS from your GCMS notes). If yes, may I know when SS started?
  19. Zagros Ahmed

    Express Entry - e-APR Submitted in November 2016

    Hello everyone, thank you for your comments. I have updated the list with the names I missed the first time and I've listed the names based on AOR dates (from earliest to latest). Hope this will give us a better idea about those of us from late October to early December who are still waiting for...