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  1. Lovely_16

    yaaro need lots of wishes.

    Best luck mandeep. :)
  2. Lovely_16


    only colleges offers PG diploma in IT not universities. Univ offers masters degree of 2 yrs.
  3. Lovely_16

    Recently rejected under general ,..so sad

    Sorry to hear that. :( But Sheridan college comes under spp then how u hv applied to general. Or it's ur second refusal???
  4. Lovely_16

    which province gets more asian student ( mainly indians, pakistanis etc)

    yes definately ontario province has more asian students as compared to other province.
  5. Lovely_16

    JAN 2012 !! all students who gonna apply for visa for 2012

    @jassi can u tell me for which 1 yr pg course and in which collg u hv applied. As i hv also apllied to 1 yr PG course in sheridan collg. don't know whether i will get visa or not as i m already having masters degree. Can u tell me can we change 1 yr pg course to 2 yr ug course after getting...
  6. Lovely_16

    Info Required.

    After getting a student visa for 1yr ontario college graduate certiifcate course.Can i change my course from 1yr PG to 2 yr UG for the same jan session in the same college. Is it possible or do i hv to take permission from case processing centre,Alberta.
  7. Lovely_16

    GRE Exam info reqd.

    I m gonna apply to university of Toronto and york university for masters in computer science course. On their website it's mention that GRE is recommended. so i really dont know what to do? My educational background is MCS = 63% and BCS = 69% and IELTS = 6.5 .will i get the admission into these...
  8. Lovely_16

    GRE Exam info reqd.

    Any one has given Graduate record examination(GRE) or preparing for it to get admission into masters degree. Which exam is required to give GRE general or GRE subject???
  9. Lovely_16

    Finally Got Visa -- With Gods Grace

    Congrats Rajvir and enjoy canadian life.
  10. Lovely_16

    Visa rejected under SPP - plz suggest me the course for Jan 2012 intake

    @Ajay. I m from IT field only. I will suggest that u can go for other 2 courses which are totally relevant but don't go for interactive multimedia. Whenver u select a course be more specific abt it,find out all the things like fees structure,deadlines,requiremnts and most imp what the course...
  11. Lovely_16

    Visa rejected under SPP - plz suggest me the course for Jan 2012 intake

    Sorry to hear that. :( But i would like to suggest u don't go with wireless Telecommunications,it's totally irrelevant to ur previous studies. Bcoz' this course is related to electronics not IT.
  12. Lovely_16

    (CHC ISL) Got the Visa..... Alhamdulillah!!!!!!!

    congrats bro.................. :)
  13. Lovely_16

    how to switch from 2 year diploma to 3 year advanced diploma urgent

    @enfield. If i get the visa for 1yr OCGC course,then can i change my 1 yr pg course to 2 yr diploma course in the same college at the same jan 2012 session. But campus r different of 2 courses. Is it possible or not and do i need to inform at case proceesing centre,alberta.
  14. Lovely_16

    Got My Visa!

    Congrats veere and good luck for future life. :)
  15. Lovely_16

    refusal from chc chandigarh

    Thaons for motivation
  16. Lovely_16

    Finally...Got my Visa

    Congrats JS. ;D for which collg and course ur going to? ..........and applied under general/spp
  17. Lovely_16

    refusal from chc chandigarh

    After reading all the above comments, i came to a conclusion ke sheridan collg de visa jada reject hunde aa(which comes under spp). Now i m feared becoz' i hv also applied to sheridan collg.
  18. Lovely_16

    need help urgenty i m in gr8 problem becom i get refuse

    @ishika i think uni of concordia require GRE scores for Masters and very good GPA.
  19. Lovely_16

    need help urgenty i m in gr8 problem becom i get refuse

    Plz send me ur SOP on my emailid: saini.amrit65@gmail.com