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  1. G

    Quebec 2010 Applicants Damasucs Visa office

    @dsader, i live in dubai but im from the philippines..i work as a nurse. yeah i received an email that my case could be priority, they told me to send again my transcript. after that, they put me on d waiting list..hope i answered ur questions.
  2. G

    Quebec 2010 Applicants Damasucs Visa office

    hi guys...i just received a letter that im in a waiting list for an interview...did anybody get the same? ad how many days after they will send the actual interview date? im soo tense no when and where the interview will be but i guess its in istanbul...why cant they have here in abu dhabi instead?
  3. G

    Filipino Nurses applying for Quebec

    Hi I think u can try but first go to Quebec website And do the assessment there, see how much points u can get. I also know some applicants who doesn't have experience and get an csq .
  4. G

    Quebec 2010 Applicants Damasucs Visa office

    I thnk feb 9 was her intervw in hk, she told me The interviewer were very nice, mostly they talk In English, few French questions and only basic, She even put level 3 in her application. I put level 1 only, Hope we get nice interviewer.. I tried calling them bout my status but they said...
  5. G

    Quebec 2010 Applicants Damasucs Visa office

    I thnk I'll just prepare myself for the interview Without any exam , one of my frend just had her Interview in hK with little French without Any exam and got her csq... Some questions were very basic she said, Like where u frm, what do u do... Hope they will Conduct here in UAE ..
  6. G

    already have Quebec Selection Certificate, but still worried

    hi, your in which stage now? im still waiting for my interview..im working here in uae
  7. G

    Quebec 2010 Applicants Damasucs Visa office

    i hope there will be interview here in uae....so that i dont have to fly...
  8. G

    Quebec 2010 Applicants Damasucs Visa office

    same here osamar, i never some people really are focusing on french ! i hope i could be too....
  9. G

    Quebec 2010 Applicants Damasucs Visa office

    congratz! thats a long wait... i want to ask if ur occupation is in demand list? thx
  10. G

    Quebec 2010 Applicants Damasucs Visa office

    hi osamar, have u taken any of these exams here in dubai? im planning also but not decided yet because i dont know which one to take and i need a reviewer for that...pls let me know where i could buy one, merci!
  11. G

    Quebec 2010 Applicants Damasucs Visa office

    hi guys... i thought all uae applicants visa office was transferred to montreal isnt it?
  12. G

    Quebec 2010 Applicants Damasucs Visa office

    dont wori, they only need basic french so better start now, u cal listen and download coffeebreak frenh in itunes, it helps...and search materials on d net, i just want to ask u is damascus is now open? because u mention u applied there and not in montreal office?
  13. G

    Quebec 2010 Applicants Damasucs Visa office

    thank you for posting..what about applicants from uae? is it possible to be held here also? im hoping...
  14. G

    Filipino Nurses applying for Quebec

    i think if u dont have any relatives in montreal, u can stay 2-3 days in a affordable hotel while looking for place to rent, u can also search for some forums here which has thread/ topic pertainingto that.. me nman me kakilala aku dun but i dont think ill stay there kasi nd nman kmi close..
  15. G

    Filipino Nurses applying for Quebec

    hi solukro, nag French exam kba? Can u share ung mga questions at anung prep Ginawa mu bfore d intervw.
  16. G

    Filipino Nurses applying for Quebec

    Sent mo nga skin exact words...
  17. G

    Filipino Nurses applying for Quebec

    guys, I cannot find the FB page, Montreal bound.,, bakit wla?
  18. G

    Filipino Nurses applying for Quebec

    Hi solukro, ang bilis nman.. Grabeh... So happy for u, nag French exam kba?