The agent i spoke to was really helpful he clearly told me it does not look like it is going to meet 6 months deadline we cannot do anything except wait I am hoping they will start working again on our applications and finish it as soon as possible
They same thing they said to me but they did not mention how much more time it is going to take I had eligibilty criminality and info sharing compeled but security has not started
Still no updates I applied for the gcms notes will get in 6 to 7 days may be there will be updates there otherwise when I called them last time it was still the same just criminality was passed
What about you?
I ordered gcms notes and I called them they said i just cleared criminality and case will take 6 months but some of sep aor are clearly told by call center agents that their case is gonna take more than 6 months So bit worried at this moment
I talked to someone he told me they did not touch his file for first five months and in last month they completed all steps in just one month so I am not sure if same is gonna happen to us
I had the same situation I do not think they can complete processing our applications in 6 months when we even had not clear eligibilty stage this is kind of first stage after on ip2