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  1. C

    [UPDATE]People who got fingerprint request!

    Re: People who got fingerprint request! I called CIC again and to my misfortune I spoke to the same agent I had spoken with 2 weeks ago. He told me your file is in the local office, and they will contact you for any further information. Nothing else. I don't know how long will it take to hear...
  2. C

    [UPDATE]People who got fingerprint request!

    Re: People who got fingerprint request! did you e-cas update regarding your test invitation?
  3. C

    [UPDATE]People who got fingerprint request!

    Re: People who got fingerprint request! wow, unfair >:( >:( >:( >:( >:( >:(
  4. C

    [UPDATE]People who got fingerprint request!

    Re: People who got fingerprint request! I recall reading your post regarding the fingerprints. What is your local office?
  5. C

    [UPDATE]People who got fingerprint request!

    Hi all, Is anybody here who got a request for fingerprints? I got mine sometime by end of june and I sent them on July 02. Scarborough CIC office "officially received" them on august 07th I believe.When I called CIC call centre, I was told that they have been waiting for some sort of...
  6. C

    anyone in my situation? regarding finger prints(URGENT)

    the agent told me that it is a normal protocol for st.clair to issue the FP request, because it is done automatically. My file was transferred to Scarborough the day FP request was issued from st.clair. My local office is scarbough based on my postal code, and I confirmed it again that its there.
  7. C

    Online payment receipt-urgent help needed please

    your client ID is the a 8 digit number you will see on your PR card. xxxx-xxxx.
  8. C

    anyone in my situation? regarding finger prints(URGENT)

    I am so confused now..The call centre agent repeatedly told me to send my FP results to scarborough office, even though i got the request letter from st.clairs. since scarborough is my local office, my FP results were supposed to go there. I called the cic agent earlier this morning, and was...
  9. C

    anyone in my situation? regarding finger prints(URGENT)

    I hope they don't RQ me because I literally have not travelled outside Canada for since I came here. My passport has been expired for a long time so making me unable to travel outside the country.
  10. C

    anyone in my situation? regarding finger prints(URGENT)

    you know, I was told that they are waiting for RCMP verification. I mean why do we need to take our rcmp fingerprints, pay that $75 fee and then wait even longer for CIC to verify whether the copy of fingerprints we sent is real or not? this system is so messed up but what can i do, i really...
  11. C

    anyone in my situation? regarding finger prints(URGENT)

    thanks for replying. you really gave me some hope to wait for my letter to come. hopefully I get an update soon... :)
  12. C

    anyone in my situation? regarding finger prints(URGENT)

    Thanks for replying, I really appreciate that. My local office is Scarborough. My file was transferred there sometime in may I believe, but then I go a FP request letter from st.clair office. I got my finger prints done asap and I sent them to my local office(as advised by the call centre agent)...
  13. C

    anyone in my situation? regarding finger prints(URGENT)

    hi all, I sent my fingerprints on july 02, and they were received by aug 07 in their system. It will be excatly 2 months tomorrow and am still waiting for any test invitation letter from Scarborough office. I got my fingerprint from RCMP in a physical copy and I sent scarborough a copy of it...
  14. C

    RCMP fingerprint status?

    I made a topic yesterday but unfortunately got no help form the members here. I got my FP done 2 weeks ago electronically and rcmp sent a hard copy of it all cleared yesterday. my question is that should i send the hard copy to the st.clair office from where the FP request was sent? or to my...
  15. C

    urgent help with fingerprints- January 2014 application update

    Hi all, I got my fingerprints done 2 weeks ago and finally picked em up earlier this morning. I got them done electronically and received a hard copy of my prints today. I called CIC and was told to not send the hard copy to st clair office, because RCMP will notify my local office, but when...
  16. C

    UPDATE JANUARY 2014 APPLICATION- Fingerprint request.

    Does anyone happen to have any experience regarding this situation? please do post. Thanks
  17. C

    UPDATE JANUARY 2014 APPLICATION- Fingerprint request.

    Hi all, I received fingerprint request from st.clair office today. I called cic to confirm my local office, as it should be Scarborough. I was told that my file has been in direction to the Scarborough office, but the fingerprint request is from st.clair. Does anyone know if st.clair office...
  18. C

    Citizenship Application Update(January 2014):D

    Hello all, I have been on this forum for about few months just browsing and stuff. I finally decided to join because of an update on my application, which I sent back in January, 2014. Below is the timeline. We received your application for Canadian citizenship (grant of citizenship) on...