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  1. Korea2Canada

    Sponsoring my Korean wife for permanent residency

    Early PR: ( yes, being very optimistic here ) If the PR process COPR is complete in advance of our planned departure date: Can we: 1. My wife does a landing and returns to Korea the next day. 2. We wait for the PR Card to be sent to the Canada address. 3. I have someone send the card to...
  2. Korea2Canada

    Sponsoring my Korean wife for permanent residency

    Spreadsheet Link: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/lv?key=0AtCLbbZupkY_dHJRT2R1alhXS2xaUzFTcHZsTUhVbHc
  3. Korea2Canada

    Sponsoring my Korean wife for permanent residency

    Send a PM to SCOS. See link above. Read top of spreadsheet for instructions.
  4. Korea2Canada

    Sponsoring my Korean wife for permanent residency

    So every single thing has to be listed it seems. Even underwear and socks? Hope they dont want pics. of that!
  5. Korea2Canada

    Sponsoring my Korean wife for permanent residency

    B4 Form & Shipping Stuff: I have not looked at the B4 Form yet. What items have to be included on the form? Everything being shipped out of Korea? How about stuff in luggage? Or is it every single thing both shipped and luggage?
  6. Korea2Canada

    Can someone help me? Adobe :/

    Use Foxit for all forms EXCEPT the bar code forms - it does not produce bar codes for some reason/ It's great for all other forms though.
  7. Korea2Canada

    Canadian Experience​ - a systemic unfair employment barrier to new comers

    In some cases immigrants have been hired over other Canadians.
  8. Korea2Canada

    Sponsor - better to be in Canada?

    You need to have a lease or job offer. In lieu, get a letter from a family member who can offer housing if you may need it. Clearly state your education, experience, job search plan ( even include a resume and education docs ). Include a detailed letter stating your plan to live in Canada.
  9. Korea2Canada

    Sponsoring my Korean wife for permanent residency

    From another thread: " hello everyone just want to share the blessing from GOD,just received a call from my husband @ 7:45am canadian time,informing me that he received a call from CEM that his visa is ready for pick up and must leave the philippines before november 9,2013 coz his medical...
  10. Korea2Canada

    Sponsoring my Korean wife for permanent residency

    Not related to PR. Qualifications assessment report. Google IQAS to see full info. and procedure. Some provinces or jobs or further education require this. Takes 2-3 months to process. Figure do it now and have it ready. IQAS: International Qualification Assessment Service.
  11. Korea2Canada

    Sponsoring my Korean wife for permanent residency

    Spreadsheet: The March batch is about 75% complete. Not much change in past few weeks unless it hasn't been updated recently.
  12. Korea2Canada

    Sponsoring my Korean wife for permanent residency

    IQAS: Anyone applying for this? My wife has the first draft of her application done. We will be sending that off soon. I am also revising her English resume, etc.
  13. Korea2Canada

    Sponsoring my Korean wife for permanent residency

    Which is yet another reason we are waiting out the PR in Korea.
  14. Korea2Canada

    Sponsoring my Korean wife for permanent residency

    If you applied inland you could have included a work visa application with PR. Takes about 8 months. For outland ( as far as I know ) she would require the employer to apply on her behalf. The work sponsor/employer does the ground work. Not sure if she can apply for the work visa post PR...
  15. Korea2Canada

    Sponsoring my Korean wife for permanent residency

    As far as I know she would need the PR status before work (even some forms of volunteering).
  16. Korea2Canada

    Sponsoring my Korean wife for permanent residency

  17. Korea2Canada

    Sponsoring my Korean wife for permanent residency

    Must be a digital stamp.
  18. Korea2Canada

    Sponsoring my Korean wife for permanent residency

    Did you bring the cic cbc sample?
  19. Korea2Canada

    Sponsoring my Korean wife for permanent residency

    Company Name? How Much? Size?
  20. Korea2Canada

    Sponsoring my Korean wife for permanent residency

    Thanks for sharing your shipping stories! Good to know it was useful. Lots of fun last week selling off/donating/trashing all but our essential stuff. Gonna downsize one more time before we move until we have max. 10 #5 K Post boxes. I guess 10 20 kg boxes would be approx. $500? Much less than...