Was able to get the call through a nice agent today.He took more than 5 minutes to go through the file.Everything is passed and he said to wait for the copr now.Had received consecutive ghost updates for the past 2 days.
AOR:18th June
BIL:15th October
Cec inland
PA+inland applicant
If anybody facing a invalid session problem while login in please let me know.I cleared cache and retried but getting the same issue.Last night had received a gu.
Recommended pass.The Case analyst had verified all the information and he seemed ok with.He has acknowledged the CRS score and has verified all the documents that we have provided
Received the gcms notes today:
Eligibility recommended pass on 7th Oct(I had got the call for biometrics exactly a day after that)
Security not started
criminality in progress
AOR:18th June
CEC inland
Bio completed:15th Oct
Also there is a line in the notes:
appears met ready to finalize...
I am the secondary applicant and yesterday I renewed my passport.Our application is in process.Cec inland,AOR 18th June,biometrics completed.Will it be ok now to update the details now through webform or wait until copr.Can anyone please help me out in this?
Same here,my husband called today,the agent said whatever we could see in online the same thing she could see and she didnot have any further updates.Just said there there is nothing to worry about. Cec inland,bio completed 15th oct,aor 18th June