Did you received separate two emails from SOWASIS containing one is for nomination letter and one is for apply to federal Or received just one email for these two??
Did you received separate two emails from SOWASIS containing one is for nomination letter and one is for apply to federal Or received just one email for these two??
I have applied for second review, hope will end with praise In sha Allah.
Sask_can, CSE 711, what is your present status??/
What is meaning of AOR??/
Can any body tell me how long it will take for second review.?
In my case , I sent the required documents as email instead of pdf format in time but they did nor get it or ignore it. But i have the proof that it is not new document and i will send them all required documents with proof.
Dear Victor/Tetunate
should i send my licensing proof in pdf format to my previous imm. manager so that he can understand the situation and keep the proof in my record file with original application package and also her clearing.
Or i should go for second review directly with supporting.
Dear sookie
Does it confirm 2nd review done by other imm manager or i have to request them for it.
Did you sent any new supporting documents with your 2nd request letter and was it accepted?
Dear papa
If i send the eligibility letter with 2nd request will they accept it as they do not allow any new documents for 2nd review. but i forwarded them the eligibility proof email of CPA in due time before my application refusal. Didn't they see that.If so why they told me the about not...
Dear papa,
I have also obtained such proof, but i made a mistake , i just forwarded the email of CPA to the SINP. and they said that they did not get any proof , as such SINP cancelled my application.
could you please suggest me what can i do now.