Anybody got decsion made if they wrote test march 1 or 2. What's the progress it's bitterly two weeks away with 6 ceremonies now .still no oaths thrown out
Only one dm so far from march2 applicant . Other than that it's quiet. I was hoping som3thing b4 14 March so that people can be invited for ceremonies. It's gonna be interesting
In my ecas account both applicant and sponsors has decision made . However I have been recently asked for original police certificate.
Any idea if I should email them and inquire about not getting ppr or is that their standard procedure
@dpenabill how would u range/ measure missing mentioning immigration status in another country such as studnet visa not mentioned in my case. is it more scrunity or something closer to incomplete application
What are the repercussions of missing out one of the records . Like in my case I forgot to mention a study permit. @spyfy could u plz provide ur opinion. If i am looking at are turned application or send documents along the way
Forgot to mention study permit when i was in different current as a dependant. Should i be waiting for return of application. Or is it something can be rectified along the way