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  1. Deke

    Albanian- Visa Office Rome

    Sapo pashe qe ne Rome shkojne aplikues nga ... Gati?!! 1- Albania Qipro Greqi Itali Malta San Marino Vatican City Pra... kjo mund te jete arsyeja perse ka kaq shuuume vonese
  2. Deke

    Albanian- Visa Office Rome

    Po. Kam. Dhe ate kontrolloj. Ufff. Shpresoj te mos zgjasi dhe aq..shume. Te pakten te merrnim ndonje pergjigje nga korrik gushti.
  3. Deke

    Albanian- Visa Office Rome

    Pershendetje. Bashkeshorti ka aplikuar per te bashkim familjar dhe ne i mbyllem dok ne Mississauga ne 16 nentor 2017 dhe ne 5 shkurt 2018 na lajmeruan se aplikimi yne tashme eshte ne Rome. Jemi ne kete pritjen..tani dhe sdime cte bejme apo ku dhe cfae te shikojme :). Thjesht di qe aplikimi yne...
  4. Deke

    How much are we to wait till they give an answer. Anyone had one?

    Please could you give me the link ? I m so happy for you guys
  5. Deke

    How much are we to wait till they give an answer. Anyone had one?

    I guess yes. We are checking our email almost twice daily. Do you know if anyone got their papers approved recently?
  6. Deke

    How much are we to wait till they give an answer. Anyone had one?

    They notified us on Feb 5 ,2018 that our application is now in visa office ,Rome. And the status remains “in status”
  7. Deke

    How much are we to wait till they give an answer. Anyone had one?

    Please can someone tell me how long does it take for them to give us any information on our application Did anyone get their papers approved recently for sponsoring spouse outside canada ?
  8. Deke

    Uploaded file status "Replacement Provided"

    Weeks later , they sent a message to my husband who lives in canada,informing him that now the process will continue in the visa office in Italy ,where the canadian embassy is . So. I presume that everything i did is ok. And now is up to the visa office to do their work. :) we ARE JUST WAITING
  9. Deke

    Uploaded file status "Replacement Provided"

    Not yet. I m just waiting from the clinic,where i had the med ex,to send me a message that they sent the results to them. And we ll see what happens this week :)
  10. Deke

    Uploaded file status "Replacement Provided"

    I ve got news. Almost two days after i submitted the schedule A,they sent me an email with the medical examination instruction.. i did that too. And then. After two days again,i saw my appl status and... it says” you passed the medical exam” it means,they saw got the sch a and they got the med...
  11. Deke

    Uploaded file status "Replacement Provided"

    Hi everyone. I just clicked on CHECK STATUS AND MESSAGES , then i clicked on VIEW SUBMITTED APPLICATION and i uploaded the schedule A,which i had validated before,i signed it electronically and when i see now, it says REPLACEMENT PROVIDED . Do you have any idea what happens now,or what should i...
  12. Deke

    Schedule a background still not validated

    Hello. I sent my application ,including 5669e ( even though not validated,of course) on nov 2017. They asked me to link my account yesterday,on jan 12,2018. I linked my account and since I have got the application number and the UCI number, I completed the fields left blanc in the schedule a ...