Oct 2019 applicant. Test invited Feb 02 2021 passed Feb 26 march 22 got another email to retake the test . april passed the test locations Calgary no DM still
I got invited the test Feb 3 2021 passed the test Feb 25 but I got email March 22 to retake the test again it didn't recorded they said because of my id anyways april I st I passed 20/20 no DM still it's been over a month can anyone has same situation as mine?
The system keeps ask me to retake the id pic many times even I read the news couples also take the test same day with me they told them to retake the test .I guess there was some technical issue .
I take test Feb 25 and I passed but I got email to retake the test again because of technical issue so I take another test on april 1 st and I passed the test waiting still
My application is on process but my English language certificate expired on July 2020 am worried still valid if I didn't get the test by that time or do I have to taken the test again