Hi Guys! I have a concern that I need some help with. If I'm legally separated (not divorced) do I still need to submit documents for my spouse once I get an ITA.
How does vacation time taken affect the one year calculation? I will be going on vacation for 3 weeks later this month and my pgwp is exactly one year.
Yea, when I entered the pool I was still an international student with only one year of skilled experience from back home. I graduated this year though so I now have additional points.
I hadn't reported an issue though. My score was updated when the changes came into effect. Check your updates folder and not the primary... It's just a generic email though so as long as your score gets updated that's all that matters.
I was reviewing my submitted profile after getting my additional 15 points and I noticed that my entire work history is gone. Has anyone else experienced this? My score hasn't even been affected. Please advise...
This is my understanding of it...Some students whose native language isn't English/French have to do courses in those languages to build their proficiency. So if you did and those courses represented half of your entire program you should select yes.