Hi , we just got a request for proof of cohabitation , can anyone please share a sample of the letter they got their friends /family to write for them for the same.
So you did all that by yourself or hired a consultant for that .Our consultant is asking 750$ additional for doing this. I asked him that we only have to arrange the proofs , what does he have to do that he is asking 750 $ for that step .So I told him I will do it myself.
Also , has any member of this forum got a similar request for proof of cohabitation and got a landing interview after that.I mean to ask that we still can hope that if we provide them enough proof then we can still expect approval of our file?
Ok , but we dont have any lease agreement or rental receipts because we are just living in a 1 bed room basement.Although we do have joint bank acounts , credit cards , line of credit , govt Id'S , phone bills.It should work , right ?
Yeah alright , we will send all of that.So , what exactly should we ask our friends to write for us.And I am the sponsor for my husband's file,so do I have to write a separate letter or a letter along with my husband?
Yes we both have our govt Id's from the current address.We have a lot of bills for our current address, so we will send all of that to them.Also Profiler , do we have to send a cover letter as well along with the proofs.?
Need guidance.We have been requested to provide proof of cohabitation.Can anyone please guide what all documents can we send to them for that.Also should we be scared that something might be wrong with our application that they have asked for this proof.Please help.
Hi Profiler,
We applied on May 10th last year and received medical request on 4th May.We did the medical on 6th May itself, but since then, have not heard anything from them.Its really getting depressing now :-(.Its been almost 3 years since we have been to our home country.We are desperately...