Thank you for the advice. Would anyone mind answering this question - Passage says "More often than not, shoplifters are repeat offenders."
Statement - Shoplifters shoplift multiple times.
Would the answer to this be T or F? It seems to me that the statement is stating as if it is a confirmed...
Btw, ECA is happening in 2-3 weeks now when submitting online transcripts (something which all US universities allow) -
Two of my friends also got theirs in 3.5 weeks.
No, but if the ban happens, say this week, people will start doing ECA in the next two months, IELTS in the next three and profiles will start pouring in just in time for FSW draws to resume. I don't see this timeline as unreasonable.
Trump expected to put restrictions on OPT and H1B. If this happens, there will be a flood of MS students applying....anything below 480 not safe.
What's the harm in registering (assuming you have your IELTS and ECA)? If you are wondering about your chances, they are not great but again, nobody thought that CEC below 450 would have a chance either. Maybe scores can drop that low. Take a chance while CEC draws last.
All depends on when FSW draws happen. If two back to back FSW draws happen next month, anyone with 470+ is surely getting an ITA and people with 465+ have a good chance. If the queue keeps on growing and no FSW draws happen, only 475+ would be safe.