Hi Brandy,
I had updated ur details long back... check line 124
what happened to this tread.....nobody updating anything on this????/
Did all the May 2010 applicants get visa???????
Please keep updating ..... lets keep this alive......
very true............ keeping passports for so long ..... so many are missing out on projects where they could have flown to different countries. >:(>:(>:(>:(>:(>:(>:(>:(>:(>:(>:(>:(>:(>:(>:(>:(>:(>:(>:(>:(>:(>:(>:(>:(>:(>:(>:(>:(
Today ecase shows "Medical results have been received."
we did medicals in end of June and submitted on 8th july to NDVO..... and today i get to see the Medical results received line....
i am tracking/updating the below spreadsheet
I do not have access to edit this spread sheet in the link which you have given..