You will need a report from a cardiologist and an Echocarduogram to say your heart functiin is ok. Probably u will have ur medicals reviewd and this may take weeks-months for sure. CEC application's medical is the Non Ece type, but for sponsorship it is the ECE type.. which would make a big...
If you are still there just go to peace bridge or toLewiston-Queenston bridge, the second bridge is closer
take a U turn and land, seems they were busy and the officer was just mean to you..
good luck
Great Anni... Congrats... I will be a PR on Monday... I might use this same bridge then instead of crossing over to USA... Do not stay in USA for too long!!! do not forget the day counter... haha .. Just Kidding... :P :P :P ;D ;D ;D ;D
Thanks Anni...
They do not work over the weekend and seems i will have to wait till monday... :-\ two more days is fine though... tell us how your landing go and where to go in Buffalo..
Thank.. all these years on low pay because i was on a closed permit and restricterd licence.. and now paid mucg to get a PR.. totally around 8000 dollar .. half to my useless lawyer (4000 dollar) ..
i sent passport directly to Ottawa and sent them back to me although the address on file is the...
My passport return envelope was activated today at 17 03 pm
All gratitude to Allah first and to everyone in this forum who guided me through this long trip and gave me guidance and patience.. i will Land at Peace Bridge peacefulyl on Monday 3-3-2014 at 5 pm. ;D ;D
Ikhalid.. i wish u all...
Jump anf dance.. no more waiting .. no more e mail checking.. WoooWwwOwwwww ... so happy for you..
Mine has been there for two days.. as per the trend.. i should be getting it tomorrow.. i need to get over this and focus on my life..
If i get it tomorrow.. i will go to the falls and land...
Congrats Anni... great news.. mine was received yesterday .. i checked if it was activated today .. but it was not.. maybe tomorrow it will get activated.. they should be fast.. it is just a visa stamp.. :P :P ;D
1. Send them an e mail regarding address change.
2. Putting an outside address or number is highly suspicious!! As experience need to be inside Canada!! Doesn't your company have an office in Canada? Why dont u use that one!?!?
3. U can leave Canada after applying that is no problem and does not...
I paid my RPRF on 5/Feb/2014. And sent it with biodata same day. Did medicals on 5Feb. But it was sent to cic on the 14-2-2014.
A week later i got PPR..
Yours should be in 2-3 days.
Yes so right , we deserve a rest
Please all May applicants add your passport stamping time here , so we know how long on average it takes..