OOOOO Woooooooooooooowwwwwwww kia baat hai.Bohot mubarak ho aap ko Regina Bhai.
Yeh sab "Asad123 baba ji" ki duaon ka aser hai.Asad baba ji Where are you?Hamain bhi dua den.
Very happy for both of you. Get ready for starting a new life in Dream World.
Enjoy these moments and thanks for pray for us to get ppr2......................
Its a gud news.......... congratulation.
Dozen wishes for you sam................
Asad, pray for us as well so we can get our ppr222222...........................
one of my friend got "ppr1" and very next day he got ecase status "decision made" and line added "medical results have been received"
what does it mean?