This will delay your application. It's clearly written on CIC website that submitting 2 applications for one individual would result in processing of both applications and will delay finalisation.
Applied online on 16th Nov. Not sure about the category because I applied for PhD-university level. Got my medical updated on 28th night and eligibility review started at the same time. Also got a student acknowledgement letter from Delhi embassy on 30th.
My medical status says "passed" and they are reviewing eligibility(got the update on 28th Nov night) and today morning I got a student acknowledgement letter from Delhi.
In your application, did you mention anywhere that work would be a part of your study? Because, if you applied under sds, your primary purpose is automatically given as study and if you mentioned work, then they might have rejected based on that.
That's strange. By looking at other people's response, most of the applications made after Nov 1st got their medical updated as well as approval. You guys should submit a CSE file online.