Yeah right we both work at the same place, from same country of origin, same studies, arrived nearly at the same time in Canada
I really doubt it
The only explanation I could find is thet it was a single application where mine is family
Please for God's sake, stop referring to the threads, timetable for applications across Canada! Do you see a lot of applicants from NB? NO, just one or 2
That is not a reference!
Msafiri , with due respect, I do not think this is always a question of backlog at local office. How do you explain a friend of mine, living in the same city, applied same date as me and got test on july 9th 2014 whereas I am still waiting for test invitation (file at local office since end of...
eileenf I do not thing it is possible to call the local office directly
I already asked to call center and the only number they have is a fax number (to send letters)
I searched online and impossible to get the phone number for CIC local office (Fredericton)
I have been wating 2 months for test now and they say the same thing to me
I guess if they had to ask for more documents/information, they would have sent you an RQ already
I do not understand what takes them so long to schedule a simple test
I guess this is the same situation for New Brunwick
But I assume you are talking from old timelines, since february applciants had to pây double fees in the initaive aimed at expediting application treatment
Can anyone from New Brunswick tell me how long to expect test date after the file has been transferred to local Office OR How long to expect the test, after CIC started processing your application? Thank you.
Suresure what is your local office?
I have been waiting for 2 minths fot test scheduling
hope it wont turn out to be 7 months or more
I do not understand what take them so long