Thanks a lot ondang2 for your reply. Congrats to you too.
I passed my test at Fredericton but I live in Moncton.
I know there is one scheduled on 15th october 2014
New Brunswick
she just asked few questions went through passport
she knew I had only 4 small travel in all
she checked on a sheet of paper and said everything is fine
we even talked a little bit
just a quick update, had my test earlier nailed it 20/20
Interview went very smooth the lady was really nice
Oath should will be in around three month she said
Good luck to all
The only thing that worries me is that I made two 1 day trips to Us by car, which I declared on my cakculator, but I am missing some stamps about it in my passport
what do you think
Eileenf Ok great then everything is fine
I was wondering because if they have the report on the spot it makes the process faster than if they have to order it