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  1. Singh1212

    Thread for applicants of NEW DELHI 2010!

    Hi yes, i already mention in the application that i have brother in canada and no body know my family member to my wife before marriage
  2. Singh1212

    Thread for applicants of NEW DELHI 2010!

    Hi Guys, done my interview,, ask me lot of question,,officer was so ridiculous,ask me many questiion,,i took with me bundles of emails,,phone bills,,skype chat,,text message,,call data record,,some picture from canada side,,and many more,, first she said,,i know u people just do this for...
  3. Singh1212

    Thread for applicants of NEW DELHI 2010!

    Hi Guys, I done my interview at CHC ND At least ,i saw CHC ND from Inside.
  4. Singh1212

    Thread for applicants of NEW DELHI 2010!

    Hi guys,, just ready for interview.My interview is on next week. Prepare everything,,phone bills from both sides,,text messages from both sides.emails,yahoo conversation history,skype call & chat log. greetings,skype snapshot galary pictures,,. wedding album,reception album,,ring ceremoney...
  5. Singh1212

    Thread for applicants of NEW DELHI 2010!

    congrats abad i told u ,u will get visa soon,,in fw days happy life.. will see how my interview will go thank a lot be happy
  6. Singh1212

    Thread for applicants of NEW DELHI 2010!

    Hi abad, now no question,,u already win the game.pls be postive. u r same like me.. its DM made after 3 week..its is good sign. bad sign was if u got letter in 5-6 days after te interview be happy now and help us,,. dont forget n us when uwill get the visa.bihoush naa ho jana visa dekh ke,,lol
  7. Singh1212

    Thread for applicants of NEW DELHI 2010!

    Hi Guys I have interview on 25 May.What stuff i will take with me? Emails,Chat logs,skepe call logs,SmS,Pics that i took snap shot taken by skype,our wedding album,reception,ring ceremony,phone bills from both sides? anything else what I will take with me,,suggest and advice me moreoev,it is...
  8. Singh1212

    Thread for applicants of NEW DELHI 2010!

    Hi abad Congrats, in three days ,u will PP with visa congrats ones again
  9. Singh1212

    Thread for applicants of NEW DELHI 2010!

    we cant disclose anything until they no request for it.If I send it now,it will delay my application process and its depends on immigration officer,,I am not giving them false information,,on interview time ,,i will tell direct,before starting the interview,,if they ask ,,put the question ,,i...
  10. Singh1212

    Thread for applicants of NEW DELHI 2010!

    Hey san360 thanks for ur reply. Yes ,this is the mistake by oversight. I think now time is over to disclose.Because intial review has been done already.I attached travel PCC and I think they clarify about it.Otherwise they request for it or they will not forward my application as if they found...
  11. Singh1212

    Thread for applicants of NEW DELHI 2010!

    thnks for ur reply, That u mean if they ask regarding the status then i tell it otherwise no need to explain.Is it Vengat83?
  12. Singh1212

    Thread for applicants of NEW DELHI 2010!

    Hi Guys, Abad,Vengat83,,and other guys who are on this forum. i need very important help from expert guys who are considering valuable information, I have interview on dated 24 May,2012. .My wife went to MP office and they were very helpful and i got responce that intial review has been...
  13. Singh1212

    Thread for applicants of NEW DELHI 2010!

    Hi abad check in ur inbox
  14. Singh1212

    Thread for applicants of NEW DELHI 2010!

    Nice to hear,but be carefull,May be someone just fun with you on phone or May CIC will catch you ,when u will go to receive ur PP. I think ,ND never call for collect visa and there are no issue that you land before 6 May. You can land in 60 days of issuing the visa. but happy you got a call...
  15. Singh1212

    Thread for applicants of NEW DELHI 2010!

    Hi abad congrats,,ur visa already stamped,and u will get it in next week
  16. Singh1212

    Thread for applicants of NEW DELHI 2010!

    Hi abad its a very good sign,u will get visa in 2 weeks. my besy wishes with u. u lucky man.
  17. Singh1212

    Thread for applicants of NEW DELHI 2010!

    Hi abad sure ,u will get visa soon.II pray for u. Good luck,,u will get visa in 15 days of ur medical and pcc will reach. pls sereply me in inbox
  18. Singh1212

    Thread for applicants of NEW DELHI 2010!

    Hi Guys, Just got update from ND,my interview will be on 28th May,2012. I just want to ask that My foreign PCC is valid until 1 May and Indian PCC valid until august 2012 as well as medical. do u think they will demand again for new foreign PCC.??what is the validity of PCC?.I think One year...
  19. Singh1212

    Thread for applicants of NEW DELHI 2010!

    Hi Guys, Just got update from ND,my interview will be on 28th May,2012. I just want to ask that My foreign PCC is valid until 1 May and Indian PCC valid until august 2012 as well as medical. do u think they will demand again for new foreign PCC.what is the validity of PCC.I think One year...
  20. Singh1212

    Thread for applicants of NEW DELHI 2010!

    Hi Abad Be confident.dont afraid.They are also human being.Talk with them with full confidence.other I read ur story.I will send ur reply in ur inbox. Good luck