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  1. lunas


    E cas is crazy anyway but as far as the wait, it's getting close to being a bit too much. But then I think two months has been around the top on how long slower cases go. My e cas tracker decided to work for me just now. This morning I woke up to an email saying my e CSS has been updated. It...
  2. lunas

    Love or Opportunity? Coffee Social

    I am in Alberta and I still need to see if they'll accept my old drivers license. I'd hate to take the test, I d fail it haha. Yayyayay! Congratulations on mini Mamee! Another countdown :D
  3. lunas

    Love or Opportunity? Coffee Social

    A green house?? Sweet!!! Your husband is sooooo awesome
  4. lunas

    Love or Opportunity? Coffee Social

  5. lunas

    Love or Opportunity? Coffee Social

    Peek a boo! :D
  6. lunas

    Love or Opportunity? Coffee Social

    Hmm that's a tough one as I'm religious and I learned that their "power" doesn't come from God. Now if I believe in their power...I do but my beliefs will stop me from going to them. I also believe that there are a lot of them who will just take advantage of desperate people who need help and...
  7. lunas


    Congrats bacon!! Oh yum breakfast time :D
  8. lunas

    SEPTEMBER 2012 Applicants - Join here

    Super awesome!!!! Congrats!!!!
  9. lunas

    Love or Opportunity? Coffee Social

    Yayayayayay! Congrats Boom!!!
  10. lunas

    Love or Opportunity? Coffee Social

    Yay!!! Thank you
  11. lunas

    Love or Opportunity? Coffee Social

    I landed yesterday too! Congratulations to us lol I was thinking about you while driving :D
  12. lunas


    Hello everybody! I landed yesterday woot woot! The landing process was super quick. They didn't bother to check my truck either, yay. Thank you all and the worst of this process is over for me. Soooo ready to start my life.
  13. lunas


    We are here! http://www.canadavisa.com/canada-immigration-discussion-board/september-2012-applicants-join-here-t118071.0.html
  14. lunas

    Tired of the Complaining

  15. lunas

    Someone please remind me to be patient.

    Of course that was PPR, duhhhhhhh papirico needs some of your coffee to wake up lol Congrats Hnhkrk!
  16. lunas

    Love or Opportunity? Coffee Social

    If I make it there! I felt like an idiot. I felt like a deer in t headlight when I got into the truck today. I didn't I where everything was. Come on...it's not a plane! I had to ask the uhaul guy to help me in two occasions. Seriously, I don't know how I got the truck home but driving for hours...
  17. lunas

    Love or Opportunity? Coffee Social

    Yay!!! Have fun unpacking too lol I might just put my stuff on Kijiji to get rid of some things when I get there ::)
  18. lunas

    Correct country for processing

    You might be lucky because Ottawa has been pretty busy and they keep closing offices in the US. We had a user here who went through Lima who got the whole process completed in less than two months. But there is no way to tell how things will happen for you whether you go though Lima or an office...
  19. lunas

    Love or Opportunity? Coffee Social

    You are such a nice person. I don't think I could see those forms again...puke I am all packed up and ready to go. Just need to clean a little bit and I'm loading the truck tomorrow 8)
  20. lunas

    Someone please remind me to be patient.

    Just a little bit longer!! You know it could happen anyway now ;)