They tell to call the office at 35 months so that they contact the local office. The local office has 3 months to respond. What do you do if they do not hear from them at 37-38 months since application with RQ after I passed the exam. any ideas?
if they did recent back ground checks and clearances (dec 2013) does it mean and they are close to final decision? ive got rq, passed exam ...just waiting
if the "ATIP" notes say "on hold" does it mean that the RQ has not been reviewed?
I see that RCMP and other background checks performed on dec 2013, so recent...
Traitement dans les delais pour cas non routinier (37 mois) MTL
from ATIP notes
does it mean I have to wait 37 months? action will be taken on the 37th month?