I'm not saying it will have an immediate impact on THIS draw. But it means that score won't be dropping forever.. Around April or so when these nominees get their nominations, scores might go up again.
Latest news: "BC invites 459 workers, graduates, and entrepreneurs to apply to immigrate in its latest draw."
Source: cicnews.com
Earlier in this month (Feb), there were 500 ppl for Saskatchewan and 189 ppl for Manitoba.. Sigh, numbers do add up...
OINP re-opens but it will take a while for them to issue nominations right? So in the next 1-2 months, there won't be any change?
I'm too nervous. What's the odd for 441? :O
Well, the amount that I put in my profile is at least double the minimum requirement. So.. hmm it seems like some received the email, some didn't (or have not yet).
Hi all, I'm just wondering WHEN you guys received the notification from IRCC about the change in proof of settlement funds?
My understand is that the official announcement was posted on IRCC website at least a week ago, but somehow I only received the notice email a few hours ago..
Realistically what is more likely for next draw - 443 or 442 or 441?
I really don't think it would be 440... but of course I would be happy to be wrong.
So nervous. The last time that score was 450 was October 2015, which was ~14 months ago... but I do think there's a fairly good chance that CRS will be 448.