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  1. E

    proxy wedding question

    So im not risking anything and want my process to go as smooth as possible, so next month im going to fly to egypt and re married in Egypt. even thoi have my libyan certificate and all. ill do in egypt together with her parents, my question is get married get the document and then apply. with...
  2. E

    proxy wedding question

    Soo now That i know this won’t work, I called around .. I’m going to visit her in June and her family what if I send in my application the way it is now, and then Get re married in Egypt with her family and submit that later as more documents ??would they accept it ? That way ?
  3. E

    proxy wedding question

    i ll never say that i was physically there and not once would i mention something that didnt happen. and i understand the problems that can occur from this.. im just fooling around here its pretty obvious of the outcome and i know what to do !! but lying i ll never do ever on any application or...
  4. E

    proxy wedding question

    I might get lucky then haha... she was in Libya when the legal wedding happened, I sponser flew back to Canada
  5. E

    proxy wedding question

    Came here as student... lost my status was on the verge of getting kicked out, regained status got my refugee status did my PR AND Soon will be done my citizenship never once did I look at a guide... and for your travel history you don’t need to state the your country of origin or country of...
  6. E

    proxy wedding question

    haha didnt even notice i had a mini family reception in Egypt only.. but again we are Libyans this is an arranged marriage I wasnt going to do it Egypt had to be Libya.. our wedding ceremony in Libya culture are held by only the father his witness and her and her witness bride and 400 guests...
  7. E

    proxy wedding question

    Sorry rob i need to know where in the application, because i just filled them all out didnt find it
  8. E

    proxy wedding question

    where does it say that in the app ?
  9. E

    proxy wedding question

    again we are libyans, we need to be married in the Libyan system, how would they know if i was there in LIBYA or not.. the fath7a is only held by the fathers and elders of the family. i have no pictures of the fath7a only men and iman reading the vows , and i added a picture of the traintional...
  10. E

    proxy wedding question

    totally understand, but no way would that work, we are libyans. we just dont get married in Egypt...
  11. E

    proxy wedding question

    Thank you for your advice, so us meeting in egypt, had our family there did the mini family reception have pictures and only way in our libyan culture was to do it in Libya, where in our culture the bride and groom dont attend the reading of the vows, its only done by your fathers. not the...
  12. E

    proxy wedding question

    i dont know what to do, i have all the documents, marriage contact and civil authority letter saying we are married, we met in egypt had a mini family reception, then her father and my father did the marriage (fath7a) in Libya 10 days later. some people on the internet are saying if it is...
  13. E

    proxy wedding question

    Question if you do the fath7a, in libya. only has to be libya the fath7a is marriage ceremony is done by only your father and her father, and the witness all the guest of 300 people.. and then you become legally married in libya.. would that be acceptable marriage. or would they called a proxy...
  14. E


    whats your timeline???
  15. E

    Saskatchewan Applicants applied after C6 please post your timeline here

    oct 13th app sent 1,271 days single
  16. E

    Saskatchewan Applicants applied after C6 please post your timeline here

    i have a feeling if we pass these tests coming up, our oaths will be held on the days above, march 26th 27th 29th
  17. E

    Saskatchewan Applicants applied after C6 please post your timeline here

    app rec : Oct 16th AOR - NOv 18th In process - Dec 28th Test invite : MArch 1st in REGINAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA
  18. E

    Passport with different spelling with name

    i could but that's going to take months to get the new one , and it stated you can apply for sponsorship without even a passport, i dont know the other option is to take arabic page with the photo and all the information in arabic get that translated into the right spelling in english and write...
  19. E


    guys this is Driving me nuts, my wifes current passport which is valid till March then it’s cancelled has her English name spelled differently than her official name and papers and as well her completely new passport she will get next will have the same spelling as all of our official papers...
  20. E

    Passport with different spelling with name

    guys this is Driving me nuts, my wifes current passport which is valid till March then it’s cancelled has her English name spelled differently than her official name and papers and as well her completely new passport she will get next will have the same spelling as all of our official papers...