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  1. J

    SSP no longer exists! (mexico police clearance)

    Exactly u have to do what U have to do ...is just weird that if u looking For police clearance for Mexico is just constancia de datos registrales from PGR what is showing at their cic website ..in my case They requested me PGR only but I will send both ..just in case Buena suerte y que pronto...
  2. J

    SSP no longer exists! (mexico police clearance)

    I submit ppc when I applied ..but some people wait till receive AOR my suggestion is the soon they send u ir AOR send ur ppc don't wait till they request u is better and they can see that u are ready for any other document they request .... Regard Buena suerte !!!
  3. J

    SSP no longer exists! (mexico police clearance)

    bravosix i received the same link ....!!!!!! feb 4th 2013 . looks like PGR CERTIFICATE is the only one they requesting now..but why they request ssp certificate to loops ???? i dont know ...in my case i got both ssp and pgr just in case ... loops i sugest u to get both again..you never know !!!!
  4. J

    SSP no longer exists! (mexico police clearance)

    i hope so too. :) :) well we now in mexico but i submit my application when i was working in canada so i dont know is now is outland ..anyway february is my 13th month..and they request me the police certificates again... i hope they did that to check me for last time before PPR..(there is...
  5. J

    SSP no longer exists! (mexico police clearance)

    it is confuse cause they requested me PGR police clearance certificate ..but they dont say anything about ssp ..but i got them too just in case cause i am not close to mexico city i had to drive 10 hrs so better get them too. by the way i was in edmonton alberta when i submit the application in...
  6. J

    SSP no longer exists! (mexico police clearance)

    yea i know how it feels !! but again this is the right addresse ..is really fast tramit i spent more time just to get there..5 mins later i got the document ..they asked me for credencial de elector and acta de nacimiento ..just copies so be ready with this copies ..i am assuming that ur dad can...
  7. J

    SSP no longer exists! (mexico police clearance)

    Good morning my friend cic requested me PGR certificate (constacia de datos registrales) so i went to the embassy in Mexico City and request a letter to ask for this document. Meanwhile I went to calzada de tlalpan and request the other Mexican police clearance (carta de antecedentes no penales)...
  8. J

    All January and February 2012 Applicants

    cn nikki ...i think what u can do is send them an email requesting your status..ask them what is going on? i did it (i was waiting so long and nothing happen) so. after i sent the email requesting if they missing any document cause i seen my application stuck..they sent me a police request after...
  9. J

    are u waiting for ppr after 12 months??

    i am totally agree with u my friend....i willl stop posting in different language other than english...sorry again. regards
  10. J

    are u waiting for ppr after 12 months??

    Guacamole please send me any massage to juantalango@msn.com ..yahoo 7 I apologize any inconvenience about write in Spanish ...I was waiting so long for this useful info that guacamole has..his case is really similar than mine...that I forgot than I am still in the forum sorry.
  11. J

    are u waiting for ppr after 12 months??

    Wow si que me Estas dando informacion mi amigo y como se le parece tu caso al mio..seguire tu consejo ..pero de que mando esos documentos lo mas rapido posible..Los mando ..ahorita estoy lidiando con el problema de mi acta de nacimiento y de mi esposa (Tienen mas de 5 Anos de Expedidas y la PGR...
  12. J

    are u waiting for ppr after 12 months??

    Gracias mi amigo ...lo que planeo hacer Es Ir la ciudad de Mexico ya que Tienes toda la razon de me puede venir el tiempo encima ..solo dime exactamente llegaste a la embajada en que direccion fue por que creo q hay dos y que exactamente hiciste fue en front desk o que onda? Dices que te...
  13. J

    are u waiting for ppr after 12 months??

    hey by the way...u confuse me ...in the topic _processing time after sent passports_ u said----- i sent my passport to detroit ----- and u told me--- i sent my passport to the embassy and they transfer my case to ottawa- ??????????
  14. J

    are u waiting for ppr after 12 months??

    thanks guacamole ...my case is a little different i was workin in canada with my wife and kids ..when i had about 8 months ppr process ...i had to came back to mexico for family problems...now i am waiting in mexico for the answer on pr process ..today i have 12 months process and obviosly 12...
  15. J

    are u waiting for ppr after 12 months??

    SO SORRY !!!!!!!!! is not my intention to bother or hurt feelings..i mean it .... i just felt was easier to comunicate to him in spanish that is my first lenguage ..i just requested his timeline and how he submit his payments and passport to canada and get permanent resident visa.. i will try...
  16. J

    are u waiting for ppr after 12 months??

    Guacamole me gustaria hacerte unas preguntas si no te molesta. Donde puedo traducir papeles de espanol a ingles aqui en Mexico ? Como pagaste el derecho de residencia PRF ? Que papeles presentaste al llegar a Canada (landing) ? Como y a donde mandaste tus pasaportes para la visa de residente...
  17. J

    please senior help me with this question about timing after send police clearanc

    I hope u receive ur ppr soon my friend ..we I'm the same boat are u In Canada ?
  18. J

    please senior help me with this question about timing after send police clearanc

    I wish to know how long I have to wait :( after they get the documents for ppr