It shows this:
"Educational documents history presented reflect low average in the area of competence of the diploma considering previous academic performance and relevance of the proposed course of study in Canada (inadequacy)".
is this a bad signal?
Hello guys, I've just received GCMS note.
My Profile: Applied on March 5th, SDS Online.
Eligibility: Review Required
Criminality: Passed - Bio
Org Crime:
Medical: In Progress
Other req:
Infor Sharing: Complete
Counterfoil Req: Yes.
Are they still...
SDS - Sep 2020 Intake
March 05 - submitted
March 10 - Bio
Still reviewing eligibility.
Just received an email of IRCC this morning advising us to wait & informing that application is being processed.
Its just an opinion. Just think about it positively rather than making false statements about them. I can see you criticizing IRCC in any posts in this forum. It doesn't make things better. Just take a rest, do some mediation, have faith and wait for the result. Its coming, dude!
At first, I was truly think that its not fair since some newer applications in Aug got AIP when my application in Mar is still pending. However, I think Ircc are trying to save us by reviewing our applications again and again instead of rejecting us. Thats why they said that they would issue as...
Thanks for your idea. But now it's too late since it will take more than 10 days for the result. The deadline for deferral decision is Aug 31, so it doesn't make any sense to get the GCMS. On Aug 31 if there is no result, I will defer or cancel.
The only thing I need right now is just a straight answer from IRCC about my application. Yes or No, so I can move forward rather than just waiting desperately. So dissapointed.
Do you guys think they processes our study permits base on the starting date of the course?
Me: SDS online - reviewing eligibility
Course starting date: 08/09/2020