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  1. ritchie_v

    AOR 2016-2017 EE PNP Inland >>>> All Welcome

    Congratulations Sandy... U mentioned it says "Eligibility passed" and not "recommend passed"... Meaning it is Officer's notes and not program assistant of Case analyst notes... U r done, just wait for the golden email - Your background should be in process right now! Unless u killed somebody...
  2. ritchie_v

    Application Cancelled By Mistake - VO missed reading the PCC

    When u call, they will send u the link for the webform only. They cannot request to reopen anyways... But it is worth calling and checking if they find anything else and what exactly is going on. If there r further notes from officers (gcms takes a month)... Take care
  3. ritchie_v

    Application Cancelled By Mistake - VO missed reading the PCC

    Re: Application Cancelled (wrongly?) - Indian PCC If u r outside Canada, dial 1 613 944 4000 Take care! But as MGNLKY mentioned, calling is better - just dont ask for update - ask for specific reason and they will talk to u properly! All the best!
  4. ritchie_v

    Application Cancelled By Mistake - VO missed reading the PCC

    Re: Application Cancelled (wrongly?) - Indian PCC Wherever I had multiple files merged, I have added 1 more index page. What all statements, proofs, docs they will find in this file... Have to make these apps idiot proof...
  5. ritchie_v

    Application Cancelled By Mistake - VO missed reading the PCC

    Re: Application Cancelled (wrongly?) - Indian PCC My 2 cents - ur consultant is an idiot!
  6. ritchie_v

    Application Cancelled By Mistake - VO missed reading the PCC

    Re: Application Cancelled (wrongly?) - Indian PCC Nope.... Mine doesnt have "immigration" in PCC.... My criminality check done... R10 cleared. I guess there is a genuine error on CIC part OR u r hiding something. If the PCC was issued in October 2016, there is absolutely no reason for them...
  7. ritchie_v

    Express Entry - e-APR submitted in December 2016

    It is PPRRRRRRRR Congratulations!
  8. ritchie_v

    NBPNP: New Brunswick Skilled Workers Express Entry Category: Network Here

    Many nominations yesterday! Congratulations to all who got nominated yesterday!
  9. ritchie_v

    December eAPR - US applicants

  10. ritchie_v

    Express Entry - e-APR submitted in December 2016

    Its not normal... Definitely not... Normally, when u pass medicals, ur BG status changes from NN to NS... NA is like NN... ANd yesterday, couple of my friends got medicals passed and their status also changed as expected. I was worried cause felt like something is wrong in my app and thats...
  11. ritchie_v

    Express Entry - e-APR submitted in December 2016

    Guess we passed on the same time.... And for both of us, they have not changed BG status.... Can there be a reason behind it? Or just me thinking too much?
  12. ritchie_v

    Express Entry - e-APR submitted in December 2016

    So, I am not alone! Thanks Sarah
  13. ritchie_v

    Express Entry - e-APR Submitted in November 2016

    Good evening Guys, I just posted this to Dec thread too but I guess we have more people here in November, so just wanted to throw a question of any of u have faced the same situation! As always, something new happened in my case. 22 Dec AOR. Got medicals passed this afternoon. However, I saw...
  14. ritchie_v

    Express Entry - e-APR submitted in December 2016

    Guys, As always, something new happened in my case. 22 Dec AOR. Got medicals passed this afternoon. However, I saw something unique... Normally, I have observed that for everyone - as soon as u clear medicals, ur bg status changes to Not started.... IT has happened with everyone. Here, in my...
  15. ritchie_v

    December eAPR - US applicants

    I have not started calculating anything yet.... I have 2016 car and would not like to simply lose 5-10k and sell it to get a new one there in Canada. So most probably I will keep it... As long as I receive PR before my H1b extension is over. If not, I have to get a new one there in Canada. The...
  16. ritchie_v

    December eAPR - US applicants

    This sounds right... It somewhat depends on the province you are going to. Plus, we have not make sure that the car doesnt have any recalls and it is listed in Canada's approved cars. I recommend reading this https://www.riv.ca/ImportingAVehicle.aspx For NB, I heard we can save taxes on...
  17. ritchie_v

    December eAPR - US applicants

    I guess u have to process the import of car before that. U got to do some research on that, some fees/taxes. Or u r talking about one way rental?
  18. ritchie_v

    December eAPR - US applicants

    Nope... Thanks for pointing it out - I fixed it now!