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  1. S

    WHEN can I Move to CANADA(dont js VIEW ..reply also plzzzzzzzzzzz)

    i think yuh dint get me ..i am toking about the time span after graduation (wen student wait for his wrk permit ie .90 days tym)and student start wrkinf full tym
  2. S

    Province query!

    oaky thnksss LEON .. :) :):) now i cleared oll my doubts
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    WHEN can I Move to CANADA(dont js VIEW ..reply also plzzzzzzzzzzz)

    enfield=-=-=-=-=-=-my quetsion is ....is d work experiece offcampus in another province (toronto) will be counted toward SINP
  4. S

    For all the PUNJABIS

    okayyy theek ahi ...etthe aaa k dekhde aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa :)
  5. S

    Province query!

    hey leon ...lisen u said "tym worked in ontario is not counted for SINP: den wot is d meaning of 2nd line of 2nd point:____________ : ??? ::) ::) ::) ::) ::) ::) ::) Post-Graduation Work Permit Stream You may qualify to apply under the SINP Student Category: Post-Graduation Work Permit Stream...
  6. S

    For all the PUNJABIS

    THNKssss DOGLOVER G..... bahut jyada information diti tu c menu ...hun mai TC bnawagi ettho ..bank acc. khulwagi in RBC .....tc deposit de use krugi $ ........... thnksssssssss Hun ikk hor question puchne js tell me k eh sach hia k jhooth ???????????????? kai lok kehnde k course change krn naal...
  7. S

    Province query!

    thenaks LEon for replying .....n yur reply has created more queries in my mind,,..but 1st of all lemme tell u about myself-=-=- my course is 8 mnth only exact ..n wrkprmt ill also be 8 mnths...n my course n college is in TORONTO n m thinking of shifting to SASKETCHWEN ... my queries=-=-=- 1) As...
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    WHEN can I Move to CANADA(dont js VIEW ..reply also plzzzzzzzzzzz)

    hey thnkss happy g..n its rewlly informative doc. dats gus if u can pay fee eon 1st day of colg...lolz my question is =-is dat true dat feees in sasketchwen region is less as compared to fees in toronto ????????????? i hv heard fee is almost d half like it is approx 6000$ for international in...
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    WHEN can I Move to CANADA(dont js VIEW ..reply also plzzzzzzzzzzz)

    :O:O:O:O:O:O:O:O nooooooooooooo dun say sooo.... it is said ..to qualify for PGWP .....course shud be either 8 month or more than 8 mnth ....!!!!!! many seniors who dis dis course few years bak were able to get PGWP ...sooo plzz dun say dis ..it rewlly breaks my heart.... N telll me what is d...
  10. S

    Province query!

    oakyyyyy thankss LEON ,.... processing tym is rewlly tooo mch ...!!!!!!!!!! n suppose in dis processing tym ,,,my wrk eprmit expires ......?what wil happen in following cases? :O 1) i am nominated by sasketchewen ..and goin to file my application for PR or have filed ..?????????? 2) i...
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    WHEN can I Move to CANADA(dont js VIEW ..reply also plzzzzzzzzzzz)

    noooo m not counting month s...its clearly writen over my offer letter -8MONTH course .................... oen important quest js came to my mind =-=-=-=-c ,after my course ...wen i ll get 8 mnth wrk permit .....suppose i shift to sasketchaen .....n suppose i am unable to find job any technical...
  12. S

    Province query!

    LEOn =-=-=-=- eyah i mean being nominated by any province (my preference sasketchewen)....how long it takes to get FEDARL PR ....and is it true dat before getting fedral PR we can sponsor blood relatin
  13. S

    WHEN can I Move to CANADA(dont js VIEW ..reply also plzzzzzzzzzzz)

    rite ..i am goin for 8 mnth cours e...from jan to august !!!!!!!! so i ll get 8 mnth wrk merit..hey tell me from whre ill i get my wrk pmit from torotno or from sasketchwean ... my colg is in toronto
  14. S

    WHEN can I Move to CANADA(dont js VIEW ..reply also plzzzzzzzzzzz)

    oaky do ask dem n plzz lemme know ..hhehheh n thankss in advance n one more question ..... suppose i complete my 8 mnth PG diploma in toronto .....n shud i take PGWP atonce ..or i go for another course in sasketchewan ......?????? n plzzzz ask yur frnds ..abou sponsoring ....
  15. S

    compare laptops

    thnks rhasan ..i ll buy cellphone from dere only ..now i have decided :) ?:)
  16. S

    WHEN can I Move to CANADA(dont js VIEW ..reply also plzzzzzzzzzzz)

    oops m sorrie !!!!! lemme xplain .. m asking suppose get my provincial PR of SAS..i am asking how many years i have to wait to get fedral PR ???????? n for sponsoring blood realtion ....do we have to show funds ......????????????????????????
  17. S

    WHEN can I Move to CANADA(dont js VIEW ..reply also plzzzzzzzzzzz)

    thnkssssssss happy for sharing such a gud info on saskatchewan ..... ...i m toking about work permit only ..like after my completion of PG diplom in Toronto ..i ll go for 8 mnth PGWP ..in sasketcewan ........... n i ll work for 6 mnth n den ill get provincial PR.... but tell me how long does it...
  18. S

    For all the PUNJABIS

    okayyyyyyyyyyyy g theeek ahiii .................... mai socheya hai 2000 cad naal lejan lai ..... theek ne ya edhe te v koi prob pai skdi ha..... k 1000 hi le jawa hun mera question eh hai k mai 2000 toh waddh nhi le ke jaane ...mai 2000cad cash le jawa k es case ch menu TC bnauna pwega ...te...
  19. S

    a letter with visa

    thnksss enfIeld ......... i olready knew dat we can get wk pmt once only ........ m not going for uni cozz of feesss...! otherwise my scores are gud enuff to help me to get admission in uNiv.... now my question is ...tell me which of the following option is better for me :------------ 1) I...
  20. S

    compare laptops

    thnksssssssssssssss rhasan .......... i will go for bLAckberry ! :) :) n ill get iphone wen i ll be having ample amount of money ...........!!!!!! so i shudnt buy any cell from india ..rite !???????????????? thnkssssssssss