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  1. Corey26

    Ray of Hope 66th Draw

    No oddness whatsoever as nothing is really predictable for the upcoming draw. Yet we hope the draw#66 will be announced by tomorrow.
  2. Corey26

    Ray of Hope 66th Draw

    As the name of this thread indicates, so yup we're hoping so. Our hope based on the recent CRS statistics which it have been a steep decrease for consecutive draws so far!;) Fingers crossed buddy:).
  3. Corey26

    Ray of Hope 66th Draw

    I love Canada even more because I love Jim Carrey eh:D:D "we're gonna dig out of the glaciers to find food" how joyful!!:confused::D This is to cheer you up boys as I know you're feeling a bit down nowadays:p so am I:mad:
  4. Corey26

    Ray of Hope 66th Draw

    Nice one buddy:D!!
  5. Corey26

    Ray of Hope 66th Draw

    Keep contemplating:rolleyes: and declining buddy because I know how affectionate dude you're and as the pool got drained of all aspirants you would lock the door and pilot the plane :D "See you in Canada mate"
  6. Corey26

    Ray of Hope 66th Draw

    It sounds like you like this number 403 :D ok I have got an idea. I will be posting until I get to page#410 :D I'm guessing that after 1 or 2 draws maximum you will get your elusive ITA;).
  7. Corey26

    Ray of Hope 66th Draw

    Yes that's exactly what I have. Every single paper is offically stamped with contact details of my employer who they're ready to receive any question to have it endorsed with respect to my employment details. Many thanks!;)
  8. Corey26

    Ray of Hope 66th Draw

    Hi, I have a question just came up when I went through your comment. One of my previous employers doesn't provide reference letter with payment details as per the company policy. So do you think having a reference letter, that doesn't indicate the payment details, along with my offer letter...
  9. Corey26

    Ray of Hope 66th Draw

    Hi Mejaz, did you update your profile for having a sibling in Canada?
  10. Corey26

    Ray of Hope 66th Draw

    It took place on May 25.
  11. Corey26

    Ray of Hope 66th Draw

    Yes! that what happened to me with the task that I was given on my recent IELTS exam, the topic was, as I can recall: Nowadays, young people are taking up leadership roles which in past were given to older people. Why do you think is that? And do you think it is a positive or negative...
  12. Corey26

    Ray of Hope 66th Draw

    This pic is QUALITY:D!! You've got to get your ITA by tomorrow buddy:D othewise we would loss you:D
  13. Corey26

    Ray of Hope 66th Draw

    We're not living in fantasy I would say!! I have a friend of mine who refuged to Canada a year back, mind you he barely can utter one simple sentence in English and now he is very well settled in Canada, btw, his qualifications is "High secondary school" no degree whatsoever!! For me, not for...
  14. Corey26

    Ray of Hope 66th Draw

    Many thanks bro for being considerate!! Yes I'm doing literally what you have suggested me. Retaking the IELTS all over again and it sounds very straightforward test to me now... wish me a good luck and our next journey would be "Canada" see you there:)
  15. Corey26

    Ray of Hope 66th Draw

    True bro! Nobody knows what's going on beind the curtain of this so called IELTS, though I'm not giving up on IELTS I have booked another 2 consecutive IELTS tests on August in a bid to achieve my target score and with little zeal and perseverance nothing sounds unachievable whatsoever.;)
  16. Corey26

    Ray of Hope 66th Draw

    Well well well, totally disagree! For instance, My IELTS scores are: L 8, S 7, R7 and W6.5 got me a CRS 384, and this short with 0.5 in writing has impeded me to get 430+ CRS,,, Does that mean my English not that competent and can't adpat in Canada as I lack only 0.5 in writing to reach CLB9...
  17. Corey26

    Ray of Hope 66th Draw

    Omg! That's exactly what's going with me:D
  18. Corey26

    Ray of Hope 66th Draw

    The best has yet to come!! Come on IRCIC we're waiting so bad for the so-called draw#66 :D!!
  19. Corey26

    Ray of Hope 66th Draw

    Why in Yukon bro? It's said Yukon is freezing:p ok I may join you then:D
  20. Corey26

    Ray of Hope 66th Draw

    Agreed! That's a rational analysis bro! 25k speculated as a minimum quota as the maximum total quota allocated officially is around 74k for this fiscal year so still 30k to go and this is because the pool has the potential candidates for provincial nomination who they have their own quota so...