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Search results

  1. belex

    guys... GBC sept intake please gather here

    It's not easy to get LOA from GBC as I see it. I got 74 in Toefl that is 6 band of IELTS, but they suggested me to re-do the Toefl..
  2. belex

    no seat in gbc :'(

    What is your program? Is it marked as closed on the list: http://www.georgebrown.ca/ft-status-2013-2014/
  3. belex

    Homestay vs living on campus

    Don't need that kind of answer! I thought that senior students who had both experience could share it with us who did not decided where to live, yet. NHF
  4. belex

    Homestay vs living on campus

    Seniors could share their experiences. What are the benefits and costs of living in canadian family or living on campus. What do you prefer and recommend?
  5. belex

    Fanshawe applicants join here

    How about job opportunities for international students, both on campus and off campus ?
  6. belex

    TOEFL score problem

    No comments at all ? :(
  7. belex

    TOEFL score problem

    Hello everyone I need an advice regarding postgraduate course at George Brown College. I've just received my TOEFL scores, disappointing from my point of view, total score is 74 points. According to IELTS scale it is band 6 (toefl: 60-78). Should I apply with this score or take the another try...
  8. belex

    Find a job after Postgraduate program

    Hi I also applied for B407 at GBC, since I have more than 7 years of work exp as a securities dealer, in Europe. Currently waiting for my Toefl score in order to complete my app. I strongly believe that it is possible to find a job in the industry after graduation. I would suggest you to take...
  9. belex

    Am I the only one who applied for GBC? I m worried now?

    Me too, I've applied for B407, anyone else ?
  10. belex

    2 year post-graduate certificates in Ontario?

    XXX.canadianimmigration.net/canada-work-permit/labor-market-opinion-canada.html#.UTtDqtaG2RI You can find information about LMO on the link above. (just type www instead xxx at the beginning)
  11. belex

    2 year post-graduate certificates in Ontario?

    I believe it is a quite cheaper than Master program and it lasts only 8 months, after that you are able to enter workforce immediately. Than you have to gather 1 year of work experience to apply under CEC. But then problem comes, if your employer don't want to provide your work permit...
  12. belex

    GBC - Financial planning postgraduate program

    And what about postgraduate work permit. Will applicants obtain 8 month or 1 year PGWP, since this program is not with co-op? I'm asking this because of potential application for PR through CEC program, or some other immigrant program opportunity. Thank you.
  13. belex

    GBC - Financial planning postgraduate program

    Anyone on this forum who has experience or some information about this program? What are job opportunities after graduation? I'm a bachelor of economy from south Europe, with work experience as a stockbroker. Is TOEFL mandatory prior to applying at George Brown ? Regards to all