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  1. M

    Background Checks -EXPLAINED >>>

    Thanks buddy...... i greatly appreciate ur response to all my queries ever raised.
  2. M

    Background Checks -EXPLAINED >>>

    Dear Qorax! It has been over 2 Months that my medicals were received by the London V.O. However, there is still no update on E-Cas. Please suggest if i should send in an Enquiry?
  3. M

    Background Checks -EXPLAINED >>>

    Qorax! Can you please tell me, How much time will London Visa office take for processing SPOUSE immigration case. Please consider the following details too: If Husband has Permanent Residence Card & residing in Canada Wife is in Pakistan.
  4. M

    Pakistan Applicants Waiting For *Medical Request*...

    True man.... buh i hav learn one thing... theres NO USE of getting frustrated..... it will take its due course of time... Best way is to continue wid ur existing job and dont bother about it much.....
  5. M

    Pakistan Applicants Waiting For *Medical Request*...

    Have you received your MR yet ?. Let me conclude it for you, Till VISA STAMPING, it will take atleast 8 to 12 months after Ecas shows your processing date. Mine processing started in April and i received Additional Docs request in July and MR in September..... Now waiting for PPR....
  6. M


    Mine came back today aswell, waiting for PPR!
  7. M


    Give it a month for any correspondence to reach u... Be it Additional Document Request or anything else.
  8. M

    Pakistani Applicants waiting for PPR (Stage 1 or 2 letters) from CHC London

    She got her PPR-Step 1 letter after 20 Days of MEDICALs.
  9. M


    In my opinion, a BF'D is assigned to a case OR if waiting for MR, MR Request processing for applicant is instructed & dispatched. In my case it was almost 20 days of Re-appearance of Address that i received my MR.
  10. M

    Pakistani Applicants waiting for PPR (Stage 1 or 2 letters) from CHC London

    Your case is ONE OF ITS KIND so not sure.. but it wud normally arrive in One Month Time.... :)
  11. M

    Pakistani Applicants waiting for PPR (Stage 1 or 2 letters) from CHC London

    Dear Fareeha please tell me if ur Address is still not appearing or has it appeared ?
  12. M

    Pakistani Applicants waiting for PPR (Stage 1 or 2 letters) from CHC London

    You are the luckiest person alive :) Congrats. It has been two months almost for me to have sent my Medicals & Nothing yet. My address has disappeared recently so i hope i get the PPR Step1 soon....
  13. M

    Pakistan Applicants Waiting For *Medical Request*...

    hahaha... you have LONG WAY to go.. forget about it is the BEST approach. imagine its been more than a month that CIC received my Medicals Results & its not yet even updated on ECAS...so after medical.. a long way to go aswell :)
  14. M

    Background Checks -EXPLAINED >>>

    I realize that Qorax wud be the best one to answer. No matter it takes a week or it doesnt even come :) .... He knows stuff & its been proven time n time again. We want him to post ONLY. Disagreements are welcomed.
  15. M

    Pakistani Applicants waiting for PPR (Stage 1 or 2 letters) from CHC London

    congrats..u finally managed Medicals :).... .well lets wait.. as i mentioned before i did it on 9 September, theres nothing up yet. Ecas is the same too. So im hoping to get ppr-1 in like 3 months of submission of Medicals or worst case 5 to 6 months... Fingers Crossed.
  16. M

    Background Checks -EXPLAINED >>>

    Dear ALL! With due respect i would like to request visitors to ask questions from Mr. Qorax Only & ..... it is most desirable that Mr. Qorax answers all the questions himself. Others members answering different queries creates a debate which we do not desire. We trust replies from...
  17. M

    CHC LONDON FROM APRIL 2011 TO October 2011

    According to information available here on forums.. if u r lucky, u shall get PPR request shortly.... If there r concerns in security checks with ur name and details, It may take a while then which no one can opine about....
  18. M

    Pakistan Applicants Waiting For *Medical Request*...

    In my case it took 2-3 weeks after RE-Appearance of Address.
  19. M

    Can an illegal alien in the US migrate to Canada thru the SKilled Worker Program

    Search QORAX! guy in the forums. Hes da smartest around. ask him. Follow the link http://www.canadavisa.com/canada-immigration-discussion-board/background-checks-explained-t39578.810.html