Application received: 15-Sep-14
NOC: 1111
CC charged: 27-Nov-14
Awaitng for PER.
Any idea possibly when this PER will be received?
What is the last PER received for NOC 1111?
Would it be possible to get UCI number before receiving PER? How?
Could you please advise?
Application received: 15-Sep-14
NOC: 1111
CC charged: 27-Nov-14
Awaitng for PER.
Any idea possibly when this PER will be received?
Would it be possible to get UCI number before PER? How?
Please advise
NOC 1111
Application received 15-sep-14
CC charged 27-Nov-14
Awating for the PER email, what might be the probable date?
What will be the EMAIL ID from CIC?
please advise.
Just received SMS, my CC charged!!! Cheesy Cheesy Cheesy
NOC 1111
Application received date 15-Sep-14.
Does it mean I am already in CAP?
What is the next step?
i didn't receive yet any email from CIC.
when i will receive PER?
Just received SMS, my CC charged!!! Cheesy Cheesy Cheesy
NOC 1111
Application received date 15-Sep-14.
Does it mean I am already in CAP?
What is the next step?
i didn't receive yet any email from CIC.
when i will receive PER?
Just received SMS, my CC charged!!! Cheesy Cheesy Cheesy
NOC 1111
Application received date 15-Sep-14.
Does it mean I am already in CAP?
What is the next step?
i didn't receive yet any email from CIC.
when i will receive PER?
Just received SMS, my CC charged!!! Cheesy Cheesy Cheesy
NOC 1111
Application received date 15-Sep-14.
Does it mean I am already in CAP?
What is the next step?
i didn't receive yet any email from CIC.
when i will receive PER?
Just received SMS, my CC charged!!! Cheesy Cheesy Cheesy
NOC 1111
Application received date 15-Sep-14.
Does it mean I am already in CAP?
What is the next step?
i didn't receive yet any email from CIC.
when i will receive PER?
Just received SMS, my CC charged!!! :D :D :D
NOC 1111
Application received date 15-Sep-14.
What is the next step?
i didn't receive yet any email from CIC.
when i will receive PER?
Hi dear all,
My NOC 1111
Application reached at 15-sep-14.
My cc not yet charged.
When I can expect charge?
What is the last cc card charged date?
Is there any chance for me to be in the CAP :'(?
Hi dear all,
My NOC 1111
Application reached at 15-sep-14.
My cc not yet charged.
When I can expect charge?
What is the last cc card charged date?
Is there any chance for me to be in the CAP?
Hi dear all,
My NOC 1111
Application reached at 15-sep-14.
My cc not yet charged.
When I can expect charge?
What is the last cc card charged date?
Is there any chance for me to be in the CAP?
HiHi dear all,
My NOC 1111
Application reached at 15-sep-14.
My cc not yet charged.
When I can expect charge?
What is the last cc card charged date?
Is there any chance for me to be in the CAP?
Hi dear all,
My NOC 1111
Application reached at 15-sep-14.
My cc not yet charged.
When I can expect charge?
What is the last cc card charged date?
Is there any chance for me to be in the CAP?
Hi dear all,
My NOC 1111
Application reached at 15-sep-14.
My cc not yet charged.
When I can expect charge?
What is the last cc card charged date?
Is there any chance for me to be in the CAP?
Hi dear all,
My NOC 1111
Application reached at 15-sep-14.
My cc not yet charged.
When I can expect charge?
What is the last cc card charged date?
is there any chance to be in the CAP?
Hi dear all,
My NOC 1111
Application reached at 15-sep-14.
My cc not yet charged.
When I can expect charge?
What is the last cc card charged date?
Hi dear all,
MY NOC 1111.
Applied reached in CIC 15-Nov-14.
My credit card not charged yet.
Could you kindly advise which date application was charged as of now?