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Search results

  1. SadieRoo

    US outland applicants' thread :)

    my husband told me the strike was over, lets cross our fingers!
  2. SadieRoo

    Moving truck at the boarder - I posted this someplace else but got no response

    thank you for the reply - I guess we just wait and see... I will surely let them, have nothing that anyone cant see I just have antiques that are very fragile and I am already freaking out lol...... I am going over for thanksgiving for a visit :P
  3. SadieRoo

    Moving truck at the boarder - I posted this someplace else but got no response

    Hello - we are just about ready to make the big move from Arizona to Toronto here in a few weeks.. We have the ABF truck dropping off the pod and I have filled out all the forms for each item and or piece of furniture we own which has been no easy task I might add! My question is I have each...
  4. SadieRoo

    Landing with stuff in truck

    Hello - we are just about ready to make the big move from Arizona to Toronto here in a few weeks.. We have the ABF truck dropping off the pod and I have filled out all the forms for each item and or piece of furniture we own which has been no easy task I might add! My question is I have each...
  5. SadieRoo


    Hello i posted this question but maybe here would be ok to post too.. My husband is still on my medical plan here in the US but is up in Canada working and doesnt get OHIP until Oct.. I have his refills on his medication ready here, can I send them though the mail to him? if they have his...
  6. SadieRoo


    I wondered if anyone knew... I am here in the US and working while my husband is in Canada working.. He currently is under my Medical atm since he doesnt get his OHIP until Oct.. my question is we send away for our meds and these are maintenance medication and are much needed there as hes...
  7. SadieRoo

    how to start and getting a job in canada

    Hi there I see that you had so many look see's on your post but nobody has answered.. you have a very good question too... I guess it really all depends on where you are atm ... My husband is Canadian and we lived in the US ... now hes up in Canada working and I am down here waiting...
  8. SadieRoo

    Visiting Visa??

    Yes I am American and I have been to Canada many many times on holiday with husband to visit family and never needed one before but reading all this and plan on waiting there and changing the address for paperwork to there I didnt know. thank you for your answer would it put a red flag on the...
  9. SadieRoo

    Visiting Visa??

    Hi all I was wondering I am packing up our house here in Arizona ... husband of 10 years is up in Canada since July 8th working at his new job... I plan on quitting my job here at the end of this month and he is flying back down in Oct to drive up our things in our house here. I am...
  10. SadieRoo

    Personal Effects Accounting Document

    Hello all I am packing up our house while my hubby has left 4 weeks ago back up to Canada to start his new job... I will be joining him to "visit" while we wait for my paperwork to be final, we got his approval to sponsor the day after he left. I wondered if anyone else has filled out...
  11. SadieRoo

    form needed ** any help please **

    Hello all My husband is a Canadian Citizen already living and working in Canada and I am here in the US packing out our house to move there in Oct.. Actually I am *visiting* and he will be flying down and driving back to Canada with our jeep, boat and our lab Roo. My question is he had found...
  12. SadieRoo

    wait times for American spouse , while both in USA

    My husband is flying back in October to come and get everything together and drive back with our stuff . I will follow with our other car and dog to Buffalo. My husbands family will meet us there and take the jeep with them ( paper work will be done for bringing it over ) following my husband...
  13. SadieRoo

    wait times for American spouse , while both in USA

    Curious to see if anyone doing the same as us , my husband is Canadian and I am American , and we got married in the US 9 years ago , and have been living down here. My husband has dual citizenship .We got the approval to sponsor , and I have sent in my physical . My husband is now up in Canada...
  14. SadieRoo

    Proof of Employment ? HELP

    I have to agree on that one as my husband is Canadian and I am American and we lived here in Arizona together for 10 years and he had no proof of income in Canada when we filled out the paperwork and sent it in. We filled out the paper work that stated his intent was to find a job up there, we...
  15. SadieRoo

    Websites for Rentals in Burlington/Oakville area

    thanks will try that... Yep I noticed that everything that goes up goes really fast ! whats hard too is there are some for rent but they only rent the top half or the basement and I really would like the whole house lol
  16. SadieRoo

    Websites for Rentals in Burlington/Oakville area

    Hi everyone! My husband is in this area now and looking for housing to rent for now while we seattle in. His job takes him to these areas and the surrounding areas and have had a difficult time finding websites that advertise rentals of either Townhouse or detached homes. Our only kid that...
  17. SadieRoo

    Is there an April Applicants thread?

    thank you so much for the quick response!
  18. SadieRoo

    Is there an April Applicants thread?

    Hi all I cant seem to find an Aprils applicant thread but I bet there is one, does anyone know where I might find? thx!!
  19. SadieRoo

    Recieved approval what next?

    Stage 2??? oh boy You are correct and I am Amercian and my App is in Ottawa and from the link you gave me it states 12 months so my question now would be, 12 months from the application date? Or 12 months from the date of sponsor letter? and it feels better to be ahead a little bit as each...
  20. SadieRoo

    After landing- obtaining ON driver's license question

    hi Sariss I am in Arizona now waiting while my husband is traveling to Canada to get things ready for us, where in arizona? I am in Gilbert