My file is at Scarborough too I am waiting for my oath file is still in process I did my test in January 2020 I have provided my finger prints twice as well so just waiting patiently.
Yes I have called them and Tell me everything in your file is up to date and just waiting for finalization. That’s why I am bit confused why is it taking this long it’s such a headache and so frustrating
It is so frustrating I applied for citizenship in March 2019 was asked to provide finger prints in August 2019 than I did my test in January 2020 was asked again in September 2020 to provide finger prints and since than I have heard nothing from them about oath.
Hi everyone had my test today and I passed 18/20. As my application was a joint application with my sister in law and she failed I have to wait until she passes her test in order for me to take the oath.
Please update the spread sheet
We sent you a notice on December 19, 2019 to appear and write the citizenship test on January 11, 2020 at 8:15 AM. The notice you will receive by mail will be your official confirmation of your appointment. If you have not received this notice prior to the date...
Pls add my application
Location: Pickering
App.Type: Single
App Sent: March 21, 2019
App Recd: March 26, 2019
AOR: June 6, 2019
In process: July 19, 2019
Fingerprint Request: August 7, 2019
Fingerprint done August 9, 2019