I don't know for a fact but just saying I'm not sure a scan will be clear enough? the photo shop my hubby went to took the picture and same time emailed it to me. Just a thought I'm so scared of them and the specifications
I'm happy to hear this cause I sent mine the 28th of April and it's still out for delivery, Xpost says they received it but since its a large facility it may take time for them to process it.
Wish I sent it fedex :(
No no no bottom second page
I finally did it even tho he's an ass 99% I sent it, I'll never give up on him so what the hay might as well send it off.
Case Processing Centre – Mississauga
2 Robert Speck Parkway, Suite 300
Mississauga, ON
L4Z 1H8
CPC Mississauga
P.o. Box 3000, station A
Mississauga, ON
L5A 4N6
oh man which address
Case Processing Centre – Mississauga
2 Robert Speck Parkway, Suite 300
Mississauga, ON
L4Z 1H8
CPC Mississauga
P.O. Box 3000, Stantion A
Mississauga, ON
L5A 4N6